Tuesday, April 10, 2007


7:00 am

"Mom what does this mean" (holding up index finger)

"It means we're number 1"

"Mom, can I hold up my middle finger in school today?"

"No. Don't ever do that. You will be expelled."

5 minutes later........

"Mom, what if I ask Ms. R_______. Then it's Ok right?'


"Mom, why?"

"Just don't do it Ok"

"sighs, OK"

(me: thought process... please, please don't ask, don't show other kids, just forget what you saw on Sunday....shit I'm going to get a phone call today or a note sent home)

I'm on either my second or third migraine. Either one lasted through the meds I take or another one popped up. My oldest two kids are great. They saw what pain I was in and both got a bag and filled it with ice for me. One even brought a cloth napkin so it didn't get too cold for my head. It was a huge help. David didn't have any serious tantrums and layed down next to me for awhile also. He tried the bag of ice on his head, but gave it back to mom.

I was soooo tired and miserable yesterday that I bought a King Size Bed. Delivery Thursday. I can't wait to get a good nights sleep.

I haven't run since last Thursday. I have a race in less than two (2) weeks. I am not prepared.


Blogger Jules said...

You sound miserable mate. You need some Mum time. Maybe something you are eating is setting you off and you don't know it. We are facing tests for number three child at the moment for celiacs and it is making me more aware of the reactions our bodies have to food. Hope you feel better soon.

3:22 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Isn't that wonderful when they are sweet and loving like that..it SORTA wipes out the other crap we put with from them....I agree you do need some MUM time. I think you should schedule a girls night out...maybe dinner and a movie...that is what I am going to be doing with my friends!

2:14 AM  
Blogger peter said...

You left a comment with Jeanne about the dream of the final exam coming up and you haven't been to class yet all term--I have that one sometimes and I hate it! Hope your new large mattress dispells that dream for ya! My sister lives in Columbus with hubby & three kids--her household sounds just like yours. I live in an empty house in the burbs around DC and I hate the burbs, but they're good for running b/c in the older burbs the roads are such that you can go pretty far from your house without having to deal with dangerous traffic. I'm glad you don't have your son in all those organized sports, we used to play on sandlots with no adults involved and it worked out fine. Modern parents mania about organized sports is just nuts, how do kids grow up to be independent and resourceful? Course I went through the same parenting thing, and I regret it.

2:03 PM  

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