Saturday, October 25, 2008

Free time

Yes it's Saturday morning and I have free time.

Work is awesome. I love my job. I love that I found a job in this economy. Seriously, I am blessed. My niece, my husband's target shooting buddy and my best friend's husband have all lost their jobs in the past week.

My husband's last night at work for his brother restaurant was yesterday. YIPPEE!

My daughter was accepted into the CTY talent search sponsered by John Hopkins University for Talented Youth. This was the child that was behind (way behind) all her peers in reading in the first grade.

My oldest son still complains alot. He wouldn't be the same if he didn't. He looks stinkin adorable with his new haircut.

My youngest. Decided to put a plastic cup in the oven. Everytime we cook (because I forget that there is melted plastic in there) the scent of red, melted plastic permiates the kitchen. Probably our food too.

I yell a lot more too. Mostly to the above child and to my God. I frequently wonder what bad karma I have and for what. I took the kids and my father out last night for dinner. My father informed me on the way home to "never take him out to dinner again, until David is 6". David ate none of his chicken picante, at one point while talking to my niece and her husband I looked over and he was laying on the chair with his feet up and I think he had two chocolate mints for dinner.

Life is good.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

The update

The new job rocks. Very busy.

My thyroid medication was increased 75%. I feel GREAT!

It's fall!

Haven't worked out much lately. I've finally gotton into the groove of working full-time, doing wash, swim team, swim lessons, grocery shopping and keeping the house in some sort of order. Now it's time to work on "me" time.

Well it will be me time when my husband quits helping out at his brother's restaurant Wednesday thru Saturday. Basically I'm a single mother. The only reason he doesn't go in there Tuesday nights is because I work my part-time job that night. I think I'm putting my foot down today and telling him they need to get a nephew to work. You know those unmarried nephews that don't have children. Yeah them.

Kids are awesome. Julia and Tommy look great swimming. Julia cried because she came in last (a lot) at a swim meet yesterday. I've tried to explain that she was swimming against the Gold A team girls. The kids were at least a foot taller than her. She was still upset. Heck one of the girls she was swimming against is practically an olympic hopeful. (Seriously!) The child owns most of the 10u records at the Y. Tommy hates swimming before he goes. Loves it during and after. David has jumped up a swim class. He still.... is usually on my last nerve daily. He's in love with "Tom and Jerry" cartoons. Which is why I have to end now. You know, put the DVR on and all that.

I'm reading blogs, not much for commenting lately.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008


Got a full time job.

I'm completely lost on their pc program.

No one calls me "mommy" 50x a day.

No one asks (then screams) for juice, water, to stop so and so from looking at them. You get the picture.

I worked out on some cardio machine last night and felt out of shape. Then again I worked it and didn't read a book/magazine while I working out. (like the other ladies near me...what's with that? I never see the men read while working out)
