Monday, November 30, 2009

Ahhh Monday

I did get my two hours alone! It was perfect. Just me, a glass of wine and the movie "The Family Stone". Good times.

Thanksgiving was wonderful. My SIL is a fantastic cook and everything was perfect.

I'm in the middle of home improvement projects. Easy things like painting, crown molding and more decluttering.

Working out hasn't been so great. I got two powerwalks and one gym day last week. Saturday was spent helping my friend who is leaving her husband pack up her house. That was hard work. Not physically hard, just mentally. More mentally draining for her than me. I've never seen someone with so much kitchen stuff. She used to be Martha Stewart and has dishes for Mexican night, Thai night, Italian night etc and etc. I'm like donate that and that and that. She had enough cupcake tins to make over 100 cupcakes at a time. She kept them all. It was too overwhelming for her to think. We filled a big box with just candles. I showed her my candles when she came over for dinner and it fills a shoebox sized drawer. She wants to become a minimalist, but has a long way to go.


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