Thursday, November 19, 2009

what I have been doing lately

Decluttering. I'm going crazy with this. I have been hard core since I was layed off. Who knew we had so much crap in our home. I've learned a lesson though. Once I bag it (clothes, china, toys, etc) I put the bag in my car. If I leave the bag in the hallway, spare bedroom, dining room it will stay there for months on end. If it's in my car it's got to go!

This week I made a trip to Goodwill (clothes, china and knicknacks) the church
(shoes to share) the Humane Society (all my old sheets, blankets and towels). Everything was put in the car on Tuesday and I just got back from the Humane Society. Whew.

I still have more crap to go through though. Baby steps.

My good friend is getting a divorce. We have been discussing her life on our morning power walks. I can't believe I didn't know how bad she had it. Sure, I didn't have a high opinion of her husband and his lack of interest in their daughter, but I never realized how abusive he was/is. I was made aware of some serious issues a couple of years ago, but she never let on about what a fucking idiot he is. Serious fucking idiot. Well the shit got really bad when she told him it was over. I wanted her and her daughter to move in with us, actually begged her to leave (long story short that's all your getting)

Now she's looking for a townhouse to rent. I can't wait for her to get out of that house with her daughter. Things haven't been too bad the past 2 days, but you never know with that asshole.

My kids will never do winter swim team again. I'm tired of all the complaints about practice. It's whine, whine, whine. WTF. I think their practices look so easy compared to what I had to do. Anyhow, my daughter is just too tiny to ever be really good, my son is really a baseball lover and well the youngest, heck he complained about a stupid half hour swim lesson. There is no way I'm wasting money on the team with him.

We are still so very poor. I didn't hit my 401ks. It's just not worth it. Seriously, the recession has pretty much taken 30+% of that money. We have run out of baggies (for snacks) and aluminum foil (for sandwiches). Now I wrap their cookies in plastic wrap (which I'd like to strangle the ass who made that shit, and my husband for buying it) and I use wax paper with tape for their sandwiches.

I'm going to try and not buy any food until AFTER Thanksgiving. With the exception of lunch meat and milk. Oh and spirits. Spirits like Gin. "Cause I'm out and I hate vodka and who the hell bought the expensive Tequilla? Seriously who?

My diet is so-so. I think I have PMS because I can not get enough food in me. Food made with salt, there just isn't enough in this house. My boobs are huge and sore and I put on 2lbs. I'm still working out. I think I'm there 4x a week on top of my 3x a week powerwalks. Feeling good about that.

My father is still here every single day. It's driving me up the wall. One hour. I want one hour in this house alone! Just one hour (maybe 2) It will never happen until the kids have moved out so I need to quit complaining about it. (for the rest of the week)


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