Thursday, November 29, 2007

Gym bunny

With the family down to one car, field and pavement running is basically impossible during the week.

I decided last night that I was in a funk (pms) and I needed to work off some stress. While my daughter was swimming I had 30 minutes where I could do some cardio. On Monday while doing the ellipitcal machine I noticed one extremely fit lady on a different kind of ellipitical cardio machine. Soon a skinny lady joined her (though she didn't work it hard) Yesterday I decided to give this machine a try. It's called an ARC trainer. I burned more calories, sweated my butt off and am not really sore this morning. There is another ARC trainer that you use your arms on, but I'm not quite ready for that.

I watched a little of a yoga class. I think I'm going to have to try it out. I'm the most unflexible person in the entire world. The anti-gumby if you will.

Misc. crap.

None of the brass in my house has ever been cleaned. I've decided to clean it. I have a lot of shiny stuff now. I found out that my chandelier (originally my parents) is brass. It was a black, gold, brown dirty thing. I always ignored it. I'm obsessed right now. It would be nice if I could take it down and clean it, but that would be too easy. I must leave it up and clean it. Hubby is too busy or not to interested in shiny brass so he hasn't offered to take it down for me. I figure I'm getting some sort of arm muscle work out.

My thyroid is fine.

I still haven't sent out party invitations to my son's 7th birthday. (it was November 17) He is mad at me. Can't say I blame him.

The dog is amazing. Hubby can hide a freshly killed duck in the leaves and she's pretty damn good at finding it. (she must rely on her scent skills when the duck goes down) She's still pissing me off with the socks, underwear, the plant eating and her general destruction of our yard. Though last night she went through the kid's toy basket and actually got out her own toy and left the shoes, books and plastic power men alone. (we like to put an array of things in our toy baskets) You never know what you will find in there. It's always a surprise.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey! Glad you are up and running. Is your doggie fixed? This cured the underwear issue for us, for the most part. But we had no plan for it was an easy choice.

10:03 AM  
Blogger Jules said...

A toy basket is just another word for "where the fuck can I throw this, we have just had unexpected visitors pull up the drive!".

Our dog has decided that although she can now sit and wait for her food that she can't actually tolerate standing still to poo and I am forever finding poo everywhere. I hate dog poo, too bad I didn't remember this fact before I saw her cute little face on the internet.

7:00 PM  

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