Monday, January 23, 2006

Weekend review

I wish someone would of told me that synthroid increases your metabolism while increasing your hunger (aka food consumption) I put on 3lbs and had to pay at WW. Fucking pissed off is all I have to say about that. I'm back to points tomorrow. Actually writing down points, not just doing it in my head. I feel fat. BUT I feel normal in the head and that is all that matters.

I ran 6 miles on Saturday. I dropped 3 minutes from my time. Which makes my time 53 min. Maybe I dropped 4 minutes? Can't remember my last time. Whatever. I ran it faster b/c my running partner was "pacing" me. I lost her in mile 2-3. She shortchanged mile 3 and waited for me then told me she was going to keep up with me. I hate when people are running on top of me. She was breathing weird and I kept trying to get rid of her and finally at mile 5 I pulled ahead. She gave me a great time (I don't think I would of run that fast w/out her), but after talking to my hubby he thinks I need to run by myself. Or maybe I should get used to this b/c this is the way the half is going to be, right? Next week we are adding another girl to our route (who is slower than both of us) and I just don't feel like dealing with it. I need to increase my mileage to at least 7 or more. Now the more I think about it, my friend is kicking butt b/c she is really only used to 3-4 miles. Oh I don't know anymore. I like to run by myself during training and when I'm NOT training for anything I like company. So there.

The Child Psychologist came to our home this morning. David put on a mild hissy fit so at least she see's what is going on. Gave me some good suggestions on how to deal with him. You'd think this was my first kid. I'm so lost on how to handle/raise/teach him. Anyhow, he slid down a flight of stairs on Friday night. Head first with a little flip at the end. Scared the crap out of me b/c I was vacumming and all of a sudden I see him fly by my line of sight. So that's 2 whole flights (one barrel rolled, one head first) and two 1/4 flights down the basement stairs. Thank God they are carpeted. The upstairs aren't and end up with a slate landing. That would be a ride to the emergency room.

Went to a the neighbors house for a dinner party Saturday night. Men in the kitchen drinking scotch and talking about guns. Girls in the den, getting drunk on wine and trying to out-decorate out-remodel the other. There might have been talk about what beach houses some of them were buying in the next year. Oh and a small discussion on the neighbor that didn't show. Real or fake boobs? We all agree they are fake. Not desperate housewives, just nasty ones. Actually I do like my neighbors. They are fun and crack me up half the time. I'm competitive about sports (need to get competitive about the scale soon!) I'm not competitive about material stuff. Probably b/c I can't win that game. Who can with wood paneling? I need to get off my wood paneling, or post a picture of it so everyone sympathizes with me.


Blogger tryathlete said...

Congratulations on a good 6 miles. That's a good time.

11:22 AM  

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