Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Swim lessons

Some jackass is probably blogging about what an stupid idiot I am. Though I have a feeling he is using a word more at the beginning of the alphabet.

Usually I don't take J to swim team on Wednesdays. Today I did b/c the car pool failed. After pounding it out on the ARC trainer I decided to swim for 20 minutes. I forgot my swim cap. Great. I go in the pool area and every lane is occupied. I stare at my options. I'm going swimming b/c my mind is set on it and I don't feel like getting out of my suit, putting on my sweaty clothes to do Nautalis. I find a lane with 2 guys in it. One is slow the other is Mr. Triathlete. I figure I'll draft off the fast dude. First lap I loose my hair band. Then I realize my goggles have finally gone to shit. I keep swimming no one else in the lane is moving. I stop and ask if I'm in the way. Mr. Triathlete starts giving me shit and talking to me like I'm in 1st grade.

Him: "I'm trying to go up one lane and back the same way and you're all over the place. I'm going to crash into you. We aren't suppose to be doing circles here." Blah, blah, blah.

Now I realize that he's been talking shit about me to Mr. Slow Guy. Mr. SG doesn't want to be involved in this. I apologize and say I'll move. He keeps bitching about me swimming in circles and basically what an idiot I am. Finally a swim coach comes over and says lane 1 has opened. I'm ready to get out and Mr. Tri jumps out and stomps over there with all his swim crap. You know the legs floates, hand fins etc.

What a fucking ass. He ruined my swim. (and I'm sure I ruined his week with my swimming in "circles") I was so unnerved by him that I jumped out after 15 minutes. The goggles weren't helping matters either. I did chat with Mr. SG. Not about Mr. Jackass. Though I can tell he didn't think much of him. I wish I had gotton the dirt on Mr. Tri, but you know at the time I really didn't feel like bitching or gossiping. (now I do) I was more interested on Mr. SG's niece teaching him how to side breathe.

I told my kids how I got yelled out by "this guy" on the way home. Just so they know mom's get yelled at too. Another lesson on "life isn't fair". I admit that I was wrong. I should of just walked back into the locker room and taken a shower. Lesson learned.


Blogger neca said...

You know, sometimes you have to share. He doesn't own the freaking pool. I used to run into that sometimes when I was swimming at the Y. Mean people suck.

7:35 AM  
Blogger neca said...

You know, sometimes you have to share. He doesn't own the freaking pool. I used to run into that sometimes when I was swimming at the Y. Mean people suck.

7:35 AM  
Blogger Dana said...

Even though you may have learned your lesson,the guy DID NOT have to be a jerk about it. Whenever I've gone swimming I would rather not have to share a lane because I tend to be all over the place too.

If I do have to share I warn the person ahead of time that I tend to drift but I try to stay as close to the lane dividers as possible. I have even come away w/ bruises on my hands & arms from swimming close to it to avoid hitting the other person!

5:40 AM  

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