Tuesday, January 08, 2008


Life is chugging along. I went to gym and worked out Monday night on the ARC for 29 minutes. (don't ask) It was super crowded with all the newbies. It didn't bug me, b/c once I'm in cardio mode I have no idea what is going on around me.

I'm going to start Pilates next week. I need some core, strength training. Hope it lives up to it's hype.

I will have 3 kids in some sort of swimming program by the end of the week. Julia is on swim team, Tommy is joining the mini swim team and David is in swim lessons again. David told me (in a way only a three yr old can) that he hates his swim teacher. I hate it that there a six 3 year olds in a class. Last session it was three kids. I'm all about getting my money's worth.

The temper tantrums are getting very, very, very, very bad. The past two YMCA nights I've had to physically carry David from the center to the car. On Monday he cried from the time we left the Y until we got home. Did I say cry? I mean screamed. Why? Because he didn't want to get in the back-back of the SUV. Tommy got in instead and well David was having no of it. He was furious b/c he was in the middle row. We (family) are at wits end. My husband will have none of it. I can ignore it. His siblings yell at him to "shut up!" and/or smack him. Listen...this is my third kid and I'm at wits end. I've done the time-out room thing. It hasn't changed the behavior. I'm thinking the magic will happen on his 4th birthday. He will turn into angel child. Let me dream.

This is why I don't get out for pavement runs much anymore. My father watches him while I work and when I get home I see his stress level is at it's max. Maybe 30 minutes isn't much of a run, but 30 min during a temper tantrum well that's too long.

One final bitch. When you buy a new printer wtf don't they include the printer cable in there? HUH? How much does that thing cost. Seriously? I'll be lucky if I get to the office store in the next 3 months. Poo.


Blogger Jules said...

My third is exactly the flippin same. It drives me insane, I used to get comments on how well behaved the other two were and now all I get is condescending looks as she screams her arse off anywhere she feels she is being hard done by.

Bloody hell!!

And then I have her little sister coming up in the ranks proving to be just as much a toad.

Kids, who'd have em??

11:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pilates? Totally lives up to the hype.

Three-year-olds? Not so much.

1:15 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Can you find a neighborhood teenager that is desperate for money to leave him with? After awhile he will get tired of being left behind and agree to be cooperative (it worked for me...took about 2 months). It started working after he found out we would stop random times and get an ice cream cone on our way home....I told him "too bad if you were good you could go with us." Side note***course you will not want to eat ice cream after the Y but you could let the kids have some which I am sure they will be happy to rub their brother's face in the fact that he got NOTHING!

3:30 PM  
Blogger Dana said...

Pilates is a good thing. I have a dvd that I use at home. Love it. While I don't have kids(& reading your blog sometimes makes me fall to my knees & thank the heavens above that I don't),I'll pray for your & your family's sanity getting thru the terrible 3's. As far as the printer,I give you permission to rip into them.

5:28 AM  
Blogger tryathlete said...

I have too many cables in this house. Attention attention, Who wants a printer cable?

7:33 AM  
Blogger jeanne said...

temper tantrums. very trying. VERY! ignoring is best, and isolation is better. i remember putting my 2-year old in her room and then HOLDING the door closed while she trashed it. finally she'd collapse in a heap crying. what a miserable memory. gah.

as far as how to get a bike: i posted on my site how DESPERATE i was for a bike and voila, a blogger friend GAVE me her bike!!!!

you just never know. if she hadn't given it to me, i'd never ever be able to afford it!

try it! :)

10:27 AM  

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