Sunday, December 16, 2007

My fault (a vent)

Again it's all my fault.

It's my fault that when I looked at the clock it said 10:10. Sunday school starts at 10. My husband starts yelling at me : "why didn't you tell me?!" Then it's my fault my son can't find his school book, the Tahoe has no gas. It's my fault we are down to two checks. (actually that's UPS' fault) It's my fault that I'm sick and tired of giving the church $10 every week. I want to give them $5. My husband would rather bounce checks then give them less. (it has happened)

It can't be his fault that he played poker until late last night. He didn't win.

It's my fault for getting sick 2 weeks before Christmas.

It's my fault when he asked if WE were done Christmas shopping. I laughed and said "we?"

It's probably my fault that I'm not much into the Catholic Church anymore. How can I worship where pedophiles are hidden, those that hid them get sweet jobs in Vatican (bernard law) a place where I have to listen to a long winded old man tell me about the bible while I'm bored to tears.

It's my fault that David has decided to pee on the bathroom floor rather than the toilet. It's my fault that he prefers not to wear pants and I don't care.

I hate when we argue. It is a rare occasion. Like it is a rare occasion when I care that he makes the bed once a year and does HIS wash only 3x a year. I don't complain when he decides to clean and throw away my stuff and shove other shit in closets, cabinets and drawers. I have yet to complain about the second crockpot lid he has broken.

I don't complain when I make homemade wedding soup and he has to give tupperware tubs to his hunting friends filled to the brim with my soup. Heck I gave that guys wife the secret recipie. Sure it's hard, but quit being lazy and make it yourself. Get some College Inn broth and save 3 hours. Find small crappy meatballs and save yourself another 2 hours. Buy those little pasta circles and save yourself more time. Sure it'll taste like a canned version. Heck buy the canned version and viola save yourself 8 hours.

I think I have pms.

Ok I vented I feel a ton better. Off to make chicken stock. The meatballs were finished last night WITH the help of my two older children. They loved it and saved me about 1 hour of time. We had a great time discussing small meatballs, the difference between Locatelli cheese vs. Parmesean Cheese, cows, Santa, snow, reindeers etc. We even had more fun and laughs with our special Uncle Michael meatball. I'm going to make Italians out of them yet.


Blogger Carrie said...

It's not all your fault. Hugs

10:51 AM  
Blogger Jules said...

It's usually my fault all the time!! I tell you what is my fault - the fact I am with and have married another child who can't find things that are right in front of his eyes and who chooses to have a tanty and blame me if anything doesn't run to plan. Because, of course, I am the only one in the house capable of doing anything.

And yesterday morning he nudged my vadge area with his foot and says "when can we use that again?". Ummm, never you pratt.

Your soup sounds divine.

Hope to partake one day.

2:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey! I want some soup! And incidentally, I haven't paid the church in a very, very long time. I understand.

And the thieves have my checkbook. So, nothing is my fault this weekend. Hurrah!

6:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey! I want some soup! And incidentally, I haven't paid the church in a very, very long time. I understand.

And the thieves have my checkbook. So, nothing is my fault this weekend. Hurrah!

6:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Arguing with my husband makes me feel this way, too.

Been thinking of you because I've been sick. Got better but still really congested and know I shouldn't run, but I really want to!

Emily R

6:11 AM  
Blogger Dana said...

And yet your vent is another reason why I probable will never marry. At least when something goes wrong in my house it's ALWAYS(and rightfully so) my fault!

8:14 AM  
Blogger Jules said...

Those LOTR men are hot because they are rugged and would die for their kingdom and love elfish woman and are just MEN!!

I wish I'd lived in medieval days, I can see myself as a big of a pagan princess with long dark always immaculate hair (think Mists of Avalon) and I would have some lovely man wooing me by slaying ogres etc. Aaaah, dreams are free.

10:50 AM  
Blogger neca said...

Hugs. Why is it the holidays stink for so many women?? Oh yeah, cause we're suppoed to do it all! hugs. :-)

8:32 AM  

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