Thursday, April 03, 2008

I'm tired of arguing with a 3 year old.

I'm tired of watching movies when the mom tells her kid "later, I'm busy" and the child gets all weepy eyed and the movie goer thinks "what a bad mom".

I like seeing kids acting much worse than my 3 year old. I feel sorry for the mom, but realize I am not alone in pulling my hair out.

I seem to be saying the "serenity prayer" more often lately.

Now that the weather has warmed up, baseball practice is in season I can get some runs in while my dear husband watches all the kids. All I need is 30 minutes.

I have to plan a sleepover party for 6 9 year old's. I love it when kids get older. No games, no crafts that I have to help out on. No more parties where you have to invite 12 kids.

Need to get David to swim practice. Wish me luck!


Blogger neca said...

I'm tired of arguing with a 13 year old. I'm sure he would make a fabulous attorney someday!! Maybe he can support me??? *lol*

7:35 AM  

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