Tuesday, May 27, 2008


do members of your family (husbands) feel the need to pick apart your political beliefs? Why cut up your candidate? I don't cut up on the one they voted for. Though at this point in the game it would be sooooooooo easy. I keep my trap shut. Unlike them I don't vote for a party. I vote for the person. I don't care if you are a Republican or Democrat. Them? They want the one lever system so they don't make a mistake and vote for a Democrat. Thankfully I was a tad intoxicated on the 3/4 bottle of wine I drank so I just smiled a lot and pretended what she was saying was going into my brain.

Just trying to keep the peace. (very democratic)

No need to sit down and explain myself to the extremists. (very republican)

See I can go either way.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, but they pick apart all my OTHER beliefs.

6:54 AM  

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