Tuesday, September 09, 2008

You People

This is going to be blogged about EVERY time it happens.

My daughter has a swollen leg. She can barely walk. It's a virus that is wait and see. (we've had it before)

Me: (calling home) "How is she"
Dad: "Fine. Where are the crutches?"
Me: "The ones that are 30 years old?"
Dad: "yeah those. They were in the garage."
Me: (fuck) "we threw them away"
Dad: " Why do you people do that? They weren't bothering anybody"
Me: "I can get ones from B"
Dad: "A lot of good that does your daughter right now"


Why did we throw those crutches away. Who knew that they would be needed. It wasn't like they hadn't been used in 30 years? I think Tiny Tim might have used them.

I can't win.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I HATE when my husband or his family lumps me in with my family.

6:39 AM  

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