Saturday, March 06, 2010


I have a new workout buddy and in one hour I start my path back into gym land. Yea! I'm really excited. I'm out of shape, I feel sluggish and this is just what I need.

Now onto muscle friend (meg). Can I not say "no"? The answer seems to be "no". I got roped into watching her daughter today so she can go to the (same) gym for 3+ hours. I swore I was done with helping her in this instance. I tried to get Meg to walk with me last Saturday morning. She was feeling depressed and in my opinion a walk cures all. No, she had to work out her legs because she hadn't done that in weeks. I asked her if she would be at the gym Thursday and got this text that yes, but she wouldn't be able to talk because she was working on her legs and doing cardio. I didn't want talk to her, I just wanted to drop off a book for her. I did, and basically said hi and signed up with the owner. Today, yes, she's working out her legs. She will work on her legs for one hour and then do her bootcamp class for another hour and, well honestly I don't know what the extra hour includes after that. We invited her over for dinner again on Sunday also. I informed her of our "No cell phone policy" at the table. I guess "no" worked in that instance.

Meg is friends again with that pornographic, nazi, white power loser. I can't go there right now. I'm trying to help her and our talks seem to work, but I think she needs professional help. Her husband is still a douche. (my husband says douche is a more deragatory word than dick, whatever) Her husband calls, and texts ALL the time. He cries, screams, calls her a bitch, claims he will commit suicide etc. He told his 11 year old daughter that Meg is a bitch and he's going to punch her. Then as a typical abuser apologizes and says it will never happen again. That promise is forgotton in 24 hours.

That is why I'm watching Meg's daughter today. Not for Meg, not for the husband, but for the child. She can come here, be safe, have fun, have people listen to her and for 3 hours be truly happy.


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