Sunday, March 07, 2010

wasting money and saving time

My washer was finally fixed. It's been pretty much broken for, oh, 6 months. It had, in its own special way worked those 6 months. If you washed your clothes on the 38 minute cycle it would take about an hour and half. You had to keep going back there, press the button again and when that was finally done, you had to re-spin the wash because it was soaking wet. The 13 minute spin cycle took about 30 minutes.

It's one of those fancy, water saving, front loaders. All in all I hate it. We have had the repair-man out here 3 times in one year. The last time he came (Friday) he fixed it. It worked! For. One. Load. The next load water was coming out (again) but all over the place, it started making funny noises and it died. Of course it died. My excitement should only last for 38 minutes.

I was in a mood already because I'm a mom. I grabbed all the clothes I could find, schelped to the laundry mat in town, got $20 in coins and played the cards GE dealt me. I did 6 loads of wash in 2 hours. I read a magazine, brought a book, (wish I had brought some running shoes and clothes, but hey I did cardio already) It was me and the silence of the laundramat. Delightful.

Money well wasted.


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