Tuesday, January 24, 2006


I woke up at about 5:30 this morning to David laughing hysterically. At first I thought he learned how to open the door and was walking around upstairs thinking he was 'da bomb". I didn't get out of bed I just layed there and listened. He must of laughed for over 10 minutes. My husband got up and I asked him if he heard David laughing and he said yes. About an hour later I went up to get him and he's sleeping by the door. It got me thinking what the heck was he laughing at? His room is pitch black and the only thing by the door was a Tims boot. Maybe it's funny that he's missing the other boot, but no that's just to normal for our family to be only able to find one shoe. Of course I watched Medium on Monday night so I'm sure my mother of FIL are hanging out with the baby from beyond OR (I love this one) it's like that meg ryan/nick cage movie where angels just hang out in peoples rooms, the beach and libraries. It's just weird, but I still get googly thinking of him laughing by the door of his room. He did wake up in the best mood though. Anyhow him laughing is better than any alarm clock radio!

I still feel fat. Though I had a great workout this morning. 20 min at fat burner and 12 min of sprints on the mill. Some abducter leg resistance and about 5 min of core. My mid-section sucks. It was starting to look good, but not anymore.

I'm running alone this weekend. I want to do at least 7 miles early in the morning. I'm not aiming for a fast run. Just hoping the ITB pain doesn't show up.