Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Keeping it real

Argh. I'm a real bitch the week before my period.

This is what is pissing me off this week.

I hate the following celebreties:

Jessica Simpson. Her talent is what? I don't think she's that pretty either.
Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes. Weird and dumbest.
Nicolette Sheridan. Is it me or is she freaky looking.
Maddox, Zahara and unborn Pitt child. I couldn't tell you what any celebreties children looked like with the exception of these kids. I think Reese Witherspoon is a big star...I have no idea what her kids look like. Madonna, I might be able to pick out the girl, but not the other one. I can't tell you what the other ones name is for that matter. Maybe I should put angelina jolie on the list too for prostituting her children to make her image better.

Other stuff:

Other parents. I seem to have the only not outstanding, smartest child in my state. Everyone else's children got either straight O's (outstanding or A) all G's (good or B) No one in my group of friends child got an S (satisfactory or C) on their report card. For that matter all the other children that I know are reading at a 3rd grade level, can skip some grades or are about to start Physics. Seriously. My husband tells me they are just bragging/embellishing. I know, but it is pissing me off.

My husband. I love you dearly. Would you PLEASE finsih the bead board in the laundry room now! You only have 5 feet left. And quit giving me shit for nagging you about it. I only mention it 2x a month. Please help me out with the laundry too. Doing one load a month (of just your clothes) is nice, but one load a week would be better.

My lovely almost 7 year old. Would you PLEASE flush the toilet! This "i forgot" is not working anymore. Your baby brother seems to think the toilet is his own water toy and I don't like looking at your bowel movements. And quit smart mouthing me with "well don't look at it"

My sweet 5 year old. We can not have spagehetti O's every night for dinner. Don't start whining b/c I won't make them. Don't tell me ever again that you hate chicken.

The "baby". I really wish you would stop throwing everything. We know you have a great arm and that you are strong. We are tired of being hit in the head with whatever toy, dish, sippy cup that is available. Please don't throw your fork at your brother or sister either. Try not to break any more wood blinds also. They are expensive. (i love you for using the Sharpie in the den though)

Today is a non exercise day so I could not vent these thoughts on the road or at the gym.

I feel better now.


Blogger jeanne said...

Just wait. (Don't you hate comments that start off like that?) Just wait til you have to hear about everyone's SAT scores, and how they all got 1600s and you have to sit through an ENTIRE dinner party with a woman WHINING bcs her kid didn't get into YALE, he only got into Boston College.

I think parents need to stop sharing all this stuff about their kids. it just makes everyone feel bad!

9:58 AM  
Blogger Triseverance said...

Did my beautiful wife, coach you on that one!!

Tom Cruise, I have really learned to hate that guy, talk about career suicide.

Anyway take out the seven year old and we have the same issues, really funny stuff.

7:14 PM  

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