Friday, May 19, 2006


I. Running
II. Food
III. Family

Running: Well I found a way to get out of my rut. It is a simple plan. Drive somewhere and run. While my kids play soccer I usually run around the trails at the fields. Running in a circle is about as much fun as watching paint dry. This past Tuesday running partner #1 decided to road run (where I ran my 10 mile training run...very hilly) Then my husband showed up early to watch the littlest so I went with her. The first 1.7 miles were slow since her foot isn't back normal after surgery in February (yeah, somehow the podiatrist f'd up that) On the way back there were some sprinkles and I decided to take off (a tempo run if you like) on some killer hills. I lost her and was pounding pavement. Then the skies opened up with thunder, lightning, wind and finally hail (i switched to 5k race speed at this point). I finally got back to the fields, hubby went to p/u up my friend on the parks edge (it was a killer storm) and I got my runner's high back. Yeah!!! I felt so good when I got home. I was exhausted, but got my spirit back. I have also have been doing some mean power walks with a new neighbor. This girl should actually power walk in a race, she is that good. I'm all huffing and puffing behind her on hills. She claims she can't run, but I doubt that. It's nice to comiserate with someone on food, weight, kids, husbands and tv shows. It's hard to talk all those topics on a run with someone. That just proves to me that my heart rate must be some obnoxious number while I run. Oh well.

Food: WTF. I can NOT lose weight. I seem to stay in the 145-148 weight range. It is so fricken frustrating. I eat healthy, and my weight is always the same. I hate trying to lose weight. It is one of the hardest things to do. I should just bite the bullet and head back to WW. I was a lifetime member, but things got so hectic that I couldn't find the 20 minutes to drive there once a month to get weighed. How lame! I don't know what to do. Every Monday I'm going on this big diet and I'm just not into it. I hate getting old and having slow metabolism (hypothyroidism) I know if I could drop 5-10lbs running would get so much easier. I'm hoping all the power walks (better for fat burning) will jump start something.

Family: My littlest. Ok He is so fricken cute and sometimes I just want to kill him. He has figured how to open the door to outside and last Sunday we found him halfway up the street on his Harley Big Wheel. Not that I blame him. He is getting tubes in his ears in June. He has significant hearing loss (it's like he is underwater or in a bubble) Nobody can see water behind his ears, but something is blocking the sound. The Neurology visit went great. Diagnosed with
  • apraxia and is a normal, rambunctious little boy. No epilepsy, autism or anything crazy. They have him scheduled for an EEG (for zoning out) but I think that is b/c he doesn't hear well.

    I'm training son #1 how to ride a 2 wheeler. My husband keeps saying he is not ready and I say "f that". I'm tired of him not being able to keep up with his sister and complaining about it. Guess what...he can ride a bike, but has absolutely no confidence. I promised him Gordon if he rode the bike all by himself from point a-b. He is smart b/c HE DID IT! Sometimes a little bribery goes a long way. I am so proud of him for doing it. Even better he is so excited about it. Life is good. (there is the joy!!)

    My daughter is great. We are having some reading issues though. She is in the bottom reading class and we don't know if she will get promoted or assigned to second grade. We will find out next week which one it is. My father has offered to pay for a tutor, but dh and I think we can work with her over the summer. She's a day dreamer like her mother.

    My husband is great. Still hasn't finished the laundry room project from December. We all went fishing with him one day and instead of walking to the pond closest to the car we had to walk a half mile on tick infested trails to get to the pond where we caught nothing. I got to see a snake slither away from us though. Nice. We have decided that son #2 is going to be the hunting/fishing buddy for dh. Though our daughter loves fishing too. T (child #2) , well fishing is boring. I agree completely on that point.

    Blogger tryathlete said...

    Hahahaha - I like how we were warned with "Synopsis" at the start, although I thoroughly enjoyed reading your post over and over again.

    I shall have to try your method for getting out of a rut!

    10:32 PM  
    Blogger neca said...

    Sounds like you have busted the funk on many levels! Glad to hear it.

    Yeah, I can relate to the weight thing. Sigh.

    My son had a reading tutuor for a couple of years. For him, it was well worth the money. He is now reading on par with the kids in his class, versus tearing up every time he was "forced" to read. Just our experience. Hope things work out for her.

    6:53 AM  
    Blogger psbowe said...

    That's great you're back into running! Yay!
    That's gotta be very frustrating about your little one's hearing. I hope they find a solution soon so he can hear everything.

    9:30 AM  
    Blogger SRR said...

    I am so with you on the weight thing! I know running would be easier too! But...what to do except think positive thoughts and be happy where we are now?!

    2:42 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Excellent, love it! » »

    12:38 AM  

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