Monday, May 01, 2006

Out, in and injuries

I saw a dead head sticker on a ...... mini van and it made me smile today. Someone is still feeling young!

I did not do my two scheduled runs this weekend. I did one run. 5 miles, 47 minutes, 9.20 pace on some hard hills. We stopped once for 30 + seconds so I could check my foot and she could get some disco going on her IPOD. I walked up 1/4 of the last hill because of my foot (AGAIN!) But I did 5 miles. Who knew I would be so happy with 5 miles? I've been complaining that I'm not in running form and my friend said I'm not nearly as bad as I think. She agrees that I'm not where I was in January (b/c I was kicking her ass at that time) but I'm almost there. Now I must say my friend is 20+lbs lighter than I am so me keeping up with her is nothing short of a miracle. I did not run on Sunday because I am a lightweight. I drank some Mike's hard on Saturday at a party and felt like crap all day Sunday. I ended up sleeping with David after the party b/c he was having night terrors and a two year old a adult in a twin bed is not relaxing.

My foot.

On my last two runs I have been experiencing searing pain on the ball of my left foot. It feels like my foot is on fire. I took my shoe off on the 5 mile run because I thought I would find my shoe full of blood. It was that bad. After searching google and finding the right words to describe my condition ("foot on fire" brings up a lot about fire walkers and firemen) I have diagnosed myself as having this. Yes it sucks. So my cute high heels (and they are all cute, let me tell you...I should take pictures of them) are completly, positively OUT. (unless i'm going to a party and will be sitting down for most of it) I'm wearing my birkenstocks and sneakers everywhere.

I bought some gel inserts for my sneakers and went for a run on Monday and I'm sorry to say that my foot caught on fire again. I'm going to order some bigger, better inserts online and go back to my super over pronator addidas shoes and see if that works any better. I went walking last night and my foot did not catch on fire. To be honest running is when the pain starts.

On a personal note I've become a miser. We dumped the p/u truck, got a small instead of paying $50+ a week for gas we pay about $25. Ha...take that exxon (you I would buy gas from your company anyway) I also hung up a new clothesline in our backyard. Our electric company just upped our rates 60%. It's a long story about how the bastards managed that one. I refuse to comply. My husband hates the clothesline. Thinks we look like rednecks (ok who's the one that hunts small game, drinks beer and wears plaid shirts...not ME!) and he somehow thinks we are the Rockerfellers or DuPonts with our money. We definately are not. Our clothes dried in less than an hour on the line. I'm so psyched. Now I won't hang up towels or underwear, and I will only hang clothes during the week so dh doesn't get pissy. We are also looking at a solar powered, asphalt roofing system. We might have to turn into the Rockerfeller's to purchase that, but in the end somewhere it would pay for itself. Probably like 20 some years...I don't know. But I would be sticking it to the man. Right?


Blogger tryathlete said...

I like the new profile pic - hilarious!

Sorry to hear about the foot. I hope it gets better soon. On the more positive side, in the link you included, under Risk Factors, it did say you are more likely to be affected if ... you are athletic!

I enjoy reading not just about the running but the other life issues as well. Hee hee. Summer is definitely the time for clotheslines. Stick it to the electric company!

9:25 AM  
Blogger jeanne said...

1. yay five miles!!
2. yay 9:20 pace!
3. boo foot on fire. are you sure it's not plantar fasciitis (sp) (not that i actually clicked that link)
4. OH DEAR GOD IN HEAVEN YAY on dumping the p/u truck!!!! If only everyone would follow you!!
5. and triple dipple yay on the clothesline! I'm sure your husband is a fine fine man, but he is so WRONG about this! freshly dried clothes outside--nothing like 'em. I'd hang up everything. It's so NOT redneck. It's GREENneck...ha ha. I live in an apt and I just bought one of those stand up dryer things so i could stop having to pay for and use the dryer in the building, and save electricity in the bargain. I'm sure i'm the only one who would ever even THINK of doing such a thing.


2:03 PM  
Blogger Jules said...

We must be peasants here in NZ as we still hang washing on our line. It is better for the washing, makes it smell better.

Try, a great cluster search engine that puts your findings into little subgroups so you can easily find what is relative to you.

7:32 PM  
Blogger psbowe said...

The foot pain sounds awful, hope you find a solution real soon. I never had that, so I don't know what to tell you.

You gotta do what you gotta do to save $.

Nice running too, that's a great time for 5 miles!

11:08 AM  

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