Monday, August 07, 2006

two for two (kinda)

My neighbor couldn't walk with me last night so I put the "baby" in the stroller and the other two got on their bikes and we went for a run/bike. I decided to do a stroller hill run. First 18 seconds my oldest son fell off his bike. Greaaaat. I ran for 18.33 minutes on some impressive hills, but had to quit b/c of the complaining from my two oldest kids. Things like "wait up" "mom!!!!!" "I hate hills", "I can't do hills" and a few more hundred "wait up!!!!!!!" My IPOD shut off as did I. I told both kids that "yes you can do it, and everytime you do it you get better, and I couldn't run 13.2 miles this time last year, but did I give up and complain (yes on the latter) NO I kept running and everyday I got better and I didn't quit, blah, blah, blah." By the end of my speech their eyes glazed over and they flew away on their bikes.

My legs are hurting a bit this morning. My shins are sore (from lack of stretching after my runs) Not sure when the next running session will be, but I hope to be out there by Wednesday.

Got the courage up and went on the scale. Not to bad. 147-148. I swore I was going to be 152 or more. This is weird b/c I have eaten so much crap in the past .....who knows how long. I guess I balance it all out with healthy breakfasts, lunches, an apple everyday and all those walks. Well if I want my running to improve I need to improve the diet, water intake and loose some weight. I watched Celebrity Fit Club 4 last night on VH1. Erika Elaniak (sp) is on. She was the babe on baywatch, cover of Playboy etc. Well she gets on the scale and I'm thinking 188. She weighed 152. My neighbors were like "umpf, she need to drop some pounds" She is the same height as me! I almost wanted to say I weigh about that much. (at the time I thought I weighed the same so I kept my mouth shut) Our weight looks completely different on our bodies. Mine is more muscle and her's is more fat. I'm still bummed that my neighbors thought 152 was so bad and so high. I'm just used to having that weight. I would really like to weigh just my breasts. Maybe that is why small breasted women don't weigh so much. Can those things be that heavy? My friend had her's downsized and they only took out a 1.5 lbs out of each breast and they were so much smaller. I think if I took 1.5lbs out of each I would be a A cup. I think it's all in my gut and that I can hide and if I got rid of that (15lbs via liposuction) I would be so much healthier and tiny. It'll never happen.


Blogger tryathlete said...

You're an inspiration to your kids!

Muscle is more compact than fat. 152 lbs of mainly muscle is going to look better than 152 lbs of mainly fat. Just because you and EE weigh the same, it doesn't mean you'll look the same.

You look better than an ex-Baywatch/Playboy babe!

10:57 PM  
Blogger m said...

Try, you rock. Completely made my morning. Thanks!

12:50 PM  
Blogger jeanne said...

boy, we really obsess about numbers, don't we?? And this proves that they are pretty irrelevant! How you feel, how things fit, whether you can move. Those are the measurements I want to focus on.
Rock on!

7:29 AM  

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