Why does every kid today have a peanut allergy? My littlest loves peanut butter. I can not pack a peanut butter sandwhich, honey nut cheerios or any kinda of something nut in his lunch b/c it is a peanut free room. I don't remember any kid growing up being allergic to peanut butter. Today every kid is allergic to it. (with the exception of mine and all my friends children) I read an article in the NY Times a long time ago where in the poor inner city school not one kid was allergic (probably about 1,000+ kids) but in some foo foo private school 30% of 300 children were allergic to peanut butter. WTF?
Why is the above child smaking his spiderman doll against the wall saying "you're tupid" That is one word we don't use in our house. (well my husband did ask the kids if they were stupid in the car the other day.... it was a good question at the time) The above child was pushing his train around saying I'm pushing and I thought he was saying I'm a pus*y. (then he would say you pus*y)I kept asking him to repeat it (another word we don't use) and finally my husband said "he's PUSHING. Get your mind out of the gutter."
Why does my kindergardener need a snack when he is only in school for 2.5 hours? He can surely survive without food for those hours.
Why do I always get in the wrong line at the store. I mean always. I get in the line where something goes wrong. Either the checker is an idiot or the customer is. Never fails.
Why are some people so lazy that they have to park in the fire lane to get their takeout. Is it that hard to walk 50 feet? Yes if you have 3 children it can be a real pain in the ass. Especially when one is named David, but if I can do it so can you. Once my family was eating at our favorite burger joint and some high maintence lady in her tennis outfit parks her SUV in the fire lane, gets out with her 13 year old and proceeds to order her food. Was the outfit for show? It must of been if she was so handicapped that she couldn't walk the 50ft. Of course my husband and I tear her to shreds while we eat our food. (that is fun)
Why does my husband seem to wither away when it's that time of the month. You'd think he was being shipped off for war the next day. He's barely functionable. I think he would sink into deep depression if it lasted any longer than it does.
Why does the above person refuse to load the dishwasher the way I want it? Is it that hard to put the spoons in one compartment, forks and knives in another? It really must be.
Those are my weekly bitches.
I might have to steal some treadmill time tonight. If one of my machines is open I'm on it. Now that all the new year people are still working out it's pretty crowded in there. This works for me and against me. I can hide, but the loser walkers (those wearing clogs) seem to like the high end treadmills. I need to find some more running routes. I'm so tired of the same thing every time I run. (i've been bitching about this for over a year now) I've flipped routes, tried new ones, but I'm getting quite bored. I have noticed that when I flip a route that some of the hills I run are quite long. I need to get longer runs in, and though I like cold weather.....when it's under 20 degrees, it becomes not to fun. Neither are 30 mph wind gusts. I'm just trying to get 3 runs in a week. Since I don't have any runs in so far this week, I'm starting to get antsy. I think this explains all my bitchyness earlier.