Thursday, July 31, 2008


Let me preface that I do NOT brag about my children in public. Well I did once this summer to another mom at swim team and I prefaced that with..."Can I take a moment to brag about Tommy? Did you know he beat Anthony?" That's it. I did it to one mom and that was all. I didn't go around to everyone and dance around saying "tommy, beat anthony, tommy beat anthony!"

It was cool that he beat the best swimmer in 8 under and I am so proud of him for it.

Ok. So I'm always hearing how great some neighborhood kids do on their report cards. They get all O's (which I guess would be A's) and few S's (which would be B) My daughter gets lots of S's and some O's. I'm always quiet when the bragging starts. I start to feel tiny. I feel that my children are inferior. I usually get over it within 24 hours, but honestly I hate it.

Well the State Test Results came back. Seems all those "smart kids" didn't do so well. I have no idea what their actual scores were. The parents mentioned that they were not up to par. All I know is that my kid got "exceeds standards " in Math and Reading (ok not in writing). She placed in the 94% percentile on Math and 97% in Reading throughout the country.

Of course those parents that kids didn't do well say "those state results don't mean anything. It's the reports cards that are the truth. Maybe so, maybe not.

I'm still saying "Ha!" (to myself and my husband....and here of course)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My aunt used to explain it as her son not being a "good tester." Clearly, your kid is.

9:22 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

And for better or worse, good testing counts for much. More importantly, she works hard. You've made that pretty clear. And that matters more than anything.

7:35 PM  

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