Thursday, August 14, 2008

I can be nice and it's a shame

Today Tommy's friend was over yet again. Some other kids came over after I got back from work also. So I'm handing out cookies. (because I am nice and why wouldn't you give your food away willy-nilly in a recession?) I let the "guests" have the first one. My kids go last. Andrew was the very last and I said to him "you're one of the family so you're last." He took the cookie, turned around and said "mrs. m that was so nice, cool!" Yep. I'm the nicest, bestest mom in the whole wide world. No more juice boxes though kid.


Awhile back (last year) I wrote about my good friend and neighbor whose asshole husband dumped her one day, was screwing the young thing at the office, had no time for the kids, stalked her, forced her out of the house, blah, blah, blah. I was there for her. As were other close friends. So, she meets a great guy. They fall in love and she is now married. (yeah I know kind of quick, but I'm happy that she's happy) Here's my vent. She has dumped all of us. I was the last. Email replies are one sentence long. Yesterday I texted that we would be in her new area and could the kids and I stop by and say hi. 36+ hours and no response.

This just really pisses me off. I cherish my friends and the friendships I have. I would never ever dump a friend. It's all about her new husband. There is no time for small get togethers. We tried to get her to come up for 2 hours for a hot tub, wine and cheese dip. She couldn't because she didn't want to bother her parents to watch the kids because they did it for two days the previous weekend. I think it was more like "I don't want to be away from the new man for 2 hours." (oh and no her asshole x can't be bothered with children during the weeknights)

It's a shame. I never pictured her for the girl that has to HAVE a man. Remember in high school the girls that would get the boyfriend and you were ignored? I hated those girls. I guess I did dump them as friends.

I actually find thopse type of women to be on the pathetic side. Really pathetic. So NOT a strong woman.

My friend fooled me. I am glad she's happy and came out on top of this mess. She deserved that much.

Dropping good friends. Her loss, mine also.

It's a shame.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wouldn't give up on her just yet. It may be just a phase while she adjusts o her new life. All life changes are stressful, even good ones, and it may be her just catching her breath.

8:15 PM  
Blogger tryathlete said...

Maybe she's just enjoying a bit more time with the new guy and not having much time for others...?

Although having said that, 36 hours without reply isn't the right way to treat a friend.

8:54 PM  
Blogger momo said...

i'm wondering if she broke ties from her old friends because they bring back memories of her ex and what a painful time that was? i could see how she'd want to start fresh. that being said - common courtesy says that you reply. period.

9:40 AM  

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