Tuesday, August 05, 2008

My life, lately

Unprepared or Late for an Exam

Exams signify being tested and rated by others. Dreams of taking an exam but not being prepared for it, or turning up late and missing it entirely, indicate a lack of self-confidence about how you are socially perceived and rated. You may feel that you are not getting a chance to properly show people what you are really all about. Or you may be concerned that people have formed unfair or wrong judgments about you without any basis. Depending on your situation, the dream could indicate your view of how a particular person has perceived you or how you may have been judged by a whole group of people (your co-workers or classmates). These dreams can often follow situations in which you may have acted unlike yourself, or in a way different from how you would have liked to behave, leaving you anxious or upset about what people must have thought about you as a person based on that one incident.

I have had the same damn dream every night for the past week (or so it seems). The test dream. In the dream I've missed every Friday class. I've missed mostly all of my classes and I won't graduate unless I pass the test(s). I have no books to study from. I think they are in my locker which of course I can't remember the combination. I don't even know where the classrooms are. I don't know what my schedule is. Which class is what day? I don't know any of the students, but I have a feeling my friends go to the same school. I am in college. Last night I realized that it was a dream (while in the dream). I tried changing the dream around (I can do this) but it was so hard. I might of changed one thing around, but it was no help. The description above regarding the meaning of the dream......it doesn't fit. The only word in there that works is "Anxious". I am anxious. Anxious about money. Who isn't these days?

I got my period this morning. I'm hoping that's the end of the nightmare. Maybe tonight I'll dream of flying. Hopefully I won't have the swimming down the street dream. I just don't get that one at all.


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