Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I'm stalking.

The woman who got my job (which was the woman who had it before me, left to go to Nevada with her husband for work and found out there was NO work in that state and emailed the boss saying she was coming back and I get canned the next day) has a facebook page. An open facebook page. She has 3 friends and few posts. Of course I stalk it to see if I can get anymore insight on this injustice to me. It's called "wrongful termination". I don't get that since I live in a "at will" state, but come April if they deny my unemployment compensation I'd love to sue them. Obviously I'm still obsessed with this matter. I probably won't sue, but people tell me I have a case.

I'm seriously pissed at the mess at AIG. Enough said.

I'm not to pleased with Obama or his administration at this point either. Where is that "change" he promised. It seems like the same old, same old to me. I'm thinking Geithner needs to go b/c he is part of the "old-boy"(prick!) network. Rangel is another idiot, though we knew that before because he is a crook.

Have I mentioned I have my period. (and I'm making icing today, this could be bad)


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