Friday, March 20, 2009


who the hell invented goodie bags at birthday parties. I would seriously like to strangle her. When Julia had her second birthday one of the mom's asked "where are the goody bags?" I looked at her like she was nuts. What are goody bags I asked. "you know bags of candy or small toys that the kids take home" So I'm thinking...I invite you to a party, I pay for the food, cake, craft, pottery, bowling, ice skating, etc (not all at one birthday party mind you...just over the years) and I'm suppose to give your kid a bag with a present of some sort for coming? Is this a joke? Then I noticed when my kids went to parties they got a goody bag. A goody bag that the other two kids cried about "because where is their goody bag?" A goody bag with some crappy toy that broke within two hours of coming home. Usually the dog ate it. Sometimes mom or dad threw it away because we were tired of seeing it on the floor. That goody bad. I have actually done the goody bag (b/c I didn't want to be known as "that mom" who didn't do the goody bag. )God only knows what I spent on the goody bag over the years.

Here's my take...I never got a goody bag at birthday parties when I was a kid. I've never had lice either. Hmmmm, coincidence or conspiracy? I'm turning into an old person..."kids you know, when I was your age we DIDN'T get goody bags" they look at me in wonder thinking of the deprived childhood I had.

Tomorrow I will be "that mom" who doesn't have goody bags and her child's party. I hope to start a trend.


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