Monday, September 14, 2009

shakes and shins

So, I've discovered protein shakes. RB #1 and #2 drink these shakes in the morning or after intense exercise. RB#2 made me one after our run on Saturday (her first ever 5k) and it was like drinking vanilla and peanut butter icecream. She gave me a chocolate one for later which I had this morning after my 45 minute PW/R. It tasted like cake batter. It's my new obsession. It will be perfect for my 3pm snack. I can't get enough food in me at 3pm. This should hit the spot.

My poor shins. The past two runs I have had intense shin pain. I almost thought I put on an old pair of sneakers (since Brooks doesn't change the colors by much every year) . I couldn't attempt any sprints. It looks like I will have to do some sort of stretching before runs. I used to do a lot of stretching in the day (2 years ago) but have been lazy lately because I was so used to only power walks.

My arms are no longer in pain. I worked those out last Wednesday and the pain finally went away today. It seems I will be forced to drink a protein shake after my arm training on Tuesday. Poor me, ha!

Husband is sooo excited I am into trap shooting. I thought I would be cramping his style, but he loves it. We went again on Sunday. Another range which was basically inhabited by white trash. Luckily my group was cool. I hit the first three out then missed the other 22. Though these were going all different ways which I was not expecting. Someone should of given me a heads up on that one. Someone like my husband.

I'm getting my "pull" measured at the local gun shop. (which is nowhere near my house) Not sure why, just to know I guess. I can't afford a shot-gun. Maybe Santa can bring me one. I wish he would bring me a bow and arrow. I've been watching too much Robin Hood on the BBC lately.

Diet is good. Lost 2 lbs this past week. Everything feels tighter which honestly makes me happier than the scale going down.


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