Friday, September 18, 2009

Trap shooting and Mainstreaming

I'm getting better!! Sunday I hit 3 of 25. Last night 11 of 25!

I learned that: my husband (like myself) is not a good teacher, that I canNOT wink or close one eye AT ALL, and that I prefer a trap gun over a field gun. The latter might not be true because I used the first two lessons on my last "go-around". When we originally got there I went to the practice stand and missed every damn one. Finally Joe goes "are you closing one eye?" Oh, yeah....forgot that rule. Then I hit one.

While waiting for the practice run to re-open a group of guys need a 5th person. The owner said I could go so WTF, I told them as long as they didn't mind my suckage I would join. Ron (owner) asked if I wanted to use the gun that he has for sale. "Sure". He showed me how it worked then told me to hold it. "No, no, no, no!" I'm standing all wrong, and leaning the opposite way. He fixed that in 2 minutes, I taped bandaids on the left eye of the safety glasses(very vogue...I'm buying an eye-patch for next time) and went to shoot. Later Joe said I looked "hot" up there so it works! I really want my own trap gun though. *sigh*..

David has a child with Asperger's Syndrome in his class. (my friend works with the mother) The experiment is failing. Everyday I get a new story about how "T" has kicked someone in the head, pulled scissors on some kid, threatened death on another, and/or hit someone.. T has been sent to the principals office several times, and is in time-out on a daily basis. This is kindergarten. T is being main-streamed. I think T needs to go to the Autistic School in our state for a year (or 2). T's parents are meeting with the Advisory Committee next week. T's mother says they "have to" let him stay because he's testing off the chart (IQ wise) Social interaction wise he is failing (in my mind). I understand her dilemma. I would fight for my child if he/she were like T. Though I have to think of my own child in that class. He's not learning because the teacher is focused on T. Is that fair to the other 22 students?

My old boss has a son that is on the autistic scale (lower end) He went to the Autism School for 3 years and is now being mainstreamed. He is in a class with two teachers (one works with the "special" children...if that's not PC I don't know another way to put it) and so far is doing great. He's in 2nd grade and loves school. I hope T's mother will explore this option.


Blogger Jules said...

I can just envisage your hotness in the band aid goggles!!

My son has a boy with Aspergers in his class at school (9 years old) and, as the kids had just moved there a term ago, I was a bit worried to find out that Ben had befriended this kid and not really clicked with anyone else. I need not have been worried. Elliot is a genuine, honest wee lad who has problems. He scratches his face and does other things when frustrated but has a teacher aide, it seems unfair to the other children but he gets the funding for this and when not busy with Elliot she helps out in the class, taking much needed pressure off the main teacher. I agree that the preschool may be a bit soon to introduce and most Aspergers kids test off the levels for IQ. It's a tough one.

5:09 PM  

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