Sunday, January 03, 2010

things I hate

I could write about all the good in my life, but that is just boring. I'd prefer to bitch. One of the things I hate with a passion is grocery shopping. Hate it. Last week I went to the store and forgot the cloth bags. I felt discusting when I was loading all those petroleum bags into my car. I don't know how people do it.

I went again today to get everything needed for school, which I guess the entire state was doing also. I hate crowds by the way. I think I might have a form of claustraphopia. People that stand in front of the food (e.g. cookies) and don't move. How hard of decision is it to pick out cookies? This is the same with any type of food. Some guy couldn't make a decision on sour cream. What the fuck? At one point I was in an aisle with a vendor loading her cookies, a family of 20 (well it seemed like 20 because they were all over the place. It probably was a family of 4) and two other single shoppers. I lost the other shoppers in the next aisle, but could not shake of the family. Do you ever just want to run someone over with your cart? The mother just dawdled, the father was bored and the two girls were on my nerves, just by being there. I'm sure I'm on people's nerves when I have all my kids at the market. I don't even want to get started on how loud we all are. Let's just say everyone knows David's name by the time we leave.


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