6:30 am. Husband tries to score sex.
7:40 am. Realize it's 7:40 am, I am so late getting out of house.
8:05 am. 5 minutes late for work.
8:06 am. Realize I don't have my phone or wallet with me.
9:00 am. Take a really early lunch to go home and pick above up.
9:15 am. Get home. Dad bitches about something along the lines of "you people"
10:00 am. Boss asks me to review a vacation request I got last Friday. It is wrong.. (employee requested 3 days bereavment leave when he was only allowed 1)
10:01 am review handbook. Boss is correct. I haven't processed vacation request because it doesn't happen until next week.
10:03 am. See boss, explain that no one had signed off on it, and I didn't process it.
10:05 am. Check email, boss writes "I expect you to catch this stuff!"
10:06 am. Apologize for my mistake.
11:00 am. Review everyone's vacation time.
12:00 pm. Work on Workmans' Compensation Audit. Prior Controller sent wrong figures. Somehow this will be my fault.
12:15 pm. Sent PO when I shouldn't have. They are processing order.
12:30 pm. Somehow the insurance company refuses to pay the bills for someone who got hurt at work. Again my fault.
3:00 pm. Review payoff figures from bank. They are correct.
3:10 pm. Boss asks me to review payoff figures again! Spend rest of day making a stupid spreadsheet.
5:00 pm. Get home to run to softball game.
5:00 pm. Daughter informs me she has a chorus concert at 6pm.
5:15 pm. Start dinner.
6:00 pm leave for concert.
8:00 pm get home from concert.
8:05 pm dinner that was cooked is totally dried out (was going to save it for Thursday) need to go to store and purchase more sauce like stuff.
8:15 pm. Open mail. Chase refuses to payoff Chase card with Chase card.
Right now. All kids are complaining. Husband isn't home.
Is it over?