Thursday, July 21, 2005


146 this am. Nice. Let's hope I can keep it there for weigh day tomorrow. No high sodium tonight.

Switched the routine around. Did the eliptical machine on advice from my neighbor. I like the sprint interval in the treadmill much better. I'm going to stick to the eliptical for about a month. I was working different muscles with it. Can't hurt. I picked up the medicine ball too while I was there. Felt like a huge dope. What are you supposed to do with it? It wasn't even heavy. My neighbor uses it for her flat stomach, but I just don't get it.

God I hope the 146 stays until tomorrow! My period is due tomorrow also and I'm going to be quite the pissed of woman if my weight jumps up to 148. That'll be 3 weeks at the same weight. I'm debating on going for a run tomorrow before WW. Friday's (and Sunday's) are usually a day off from the whole workout routine. If I can get out running at 8:00 then I'll do it.

A couple of things that suck about dieting/exercising during the summer months is;

so many parties that we are invited too. All that yummy bad food, wine, beer, slushies etc that I am tempted by. I've learned to have just one. On deserts I eat half and throw the rest away. No more than 4 (ok maybe 5 beers)

The heat. It is killing me! Running in this weather is horrible. Yesterday was no (supposedly) humidity and it still sucked. You can barely breathe. I'm looking forward to fall.

Well at least the gym is pretty empty. Tuesday and Thursdays are best. Mondays are packed.

Bible school calls. (where else can you have someone entertain your kids for 2.5 hours a dayfor 5 days for $10 per kid!) I think my dd is going to be a evangelical. She loves God and Jesus. I'm glad she's getting so much out of it. DS just loves to play.



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