Monday, September 18, 2006

One of those 2 days

Yesterday was one of those bad food days. We had a baptism to attend and they weren't serving food until 2. Of course I had to eat 1/2 of my normal lunch at 11:30 along with chips that seemed to have appeared in our drawer. Then we went to the baptism and I have my second lunch which was more like a huge dinner and have a beer b/c the David was on my last nerve. Then I had to have a piece of carrot cake b/c all the kids wanted chocolate cake and the carrot cake was next to it. Carrot cake is good for you. Right? Carrots, shortening, white flour, 2 cups of sugar and whatever else they put in that cake to make it good. Carrot cake and beer. Wonderful.

We came home watched the Philadelphia Eagles screw up their game massively. It was like watching a train wreck.

I did get a 1 hour power walk in. Since I did something good I ate an entire bag of popcorn with melted butter on it.

Then I went to sleep. What could go wrong? I'll tell you what could go wrong. Nightmares. I had THAT know the school dream where you don't study all year for your final exam and you fail and you freak out and all the time you can never remember your locker combination. Yep that one, BUT it's the third time I'm taking this same stupid test and class. 3X people! All that running around and freaking out. It is so tiring. Then I had to add other drama in the dream. No one wanted to live with my younger brother (in reality i don't have one) but son #2 was a college student and he was my brother. (this means what?) Oh and Angelina Jolie was one of my roommates (wtf?) Why is she there? Needless to say I was tired this morning. At least it wasn't the dream where my husband leaves me for another woman. I think he likes those b/c I tell him the next morning that he was a dick in my dream and he usually will get something-something the next night.

I returned my spinach to Costco this morning. Major bummer b/c i heart spinach in my sandwhiches. Like 2" love it! The girl behind the counter asked why I was returning it. "sigh"

My depression med's cost me (with insurance) $45. I'm more depressed now. The generic came out recently. I'll have to check out the price on that. The sun and heat are back. More depression (ok it's only 85, but I want 71 with lots of clouds) Is that too much to ask?

I've set up a running date on Thursday with running partner #2. She is miss half marathon, marathon relay and training for a marathon in the future and 20lbs less than me. I need some ass kicking NOW. I just hope it doesn't rain Thursday b/c for some reason I'm looking forward to her pushing me. Maybe it won't be so bad struggling.


Blogger Zara said...

Oh, nightmares like that suck. I feel for you! And yes, check into the generic meds - they should be much cheaper.

It's great to come here and read that you're still running, even though you'd like to be faster. I am inspired and have great admiration for your perserverence!

9:27 AM  

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