Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Animal House Part II

She found a pregnant duck near her beach house.

She and her kids thought it was too hot and panting. They sprayed it with water.

The duck had three (3) babies. One died.

She decided the duck was eaten by a raccoon.

She took the baby ducks home with her.

She told the following tales. Of the two baby ducks a vulture swooped down and ate one. Or! Her Jack Russell dog ate the other one.

She has one baby duck left.

County code does not allow WILD animals to be kept on property in a residential neighborhood in which the properties are under one (1) acre.

I left her a message with the information of the bird rescue unit. (one of the best on the East Coast) Let her know the county code on wild animals.

She has stressed out her hamsters (about 4 or5) to death. This includes excessive handling, bathing (yes bathing!) and letting the dogs eat them. She usually puts down all dogs that bite people. Well, with the exception of one of her last dogs. That dog had to bite 12 people (not including animals) for her to put the bitch down. She has one dog left.

I'm not some crazy animal activist. I eat meat and my husband hunts ducks. I'm smart enough to know that you don't take a wild animal home and keep it as a pet. I once found a baby owl that had fallen from it's nest. It's mother was nearby. I left it there. I called the bird rescue and gave them detailed instructions on where to find the baby.

I'm thinking she would of picked up the baby owl and brought it home as a pet.

What an idiot.

All this before 8 am. Yep it was a "fired-up" morning at the m house.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

People just don't get it.

7:26 PM  

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