Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I spent the entire day Monday tending to the adult AND the children's garden. (along with composting, dandelion pulling etc and etc) I ended up with a splitting migraine by 5 pm. Right now the garden plots look pretty damn good if I say so myself. We aren't planting any cold weather veggies (carrots, asparagus to name a few) so my work there is done for awhile. Now I'm onto creating a gravel path. A small gravel path. A small gravel path that I will do all by myself. I've gotton several different directions on how to do it and I plan to start on Thursday or Friday of this week. The first path is only going to be about 10 ft. If that works out this year I will do another one from my driveway to the patio. Currently we have these horrible stepping stones/blocks which I ahbore.

I stress that I'm doing it myself because I want:
it done right
not done half assed
not done on the cheap
I want to learn something instead of depending on others.
If I left it up to my husband i would have to nag him about it all summer. I'm also going to learn how to do crown molding. Same reasons as above.

No power walking or running so far this week because of the rain. On a good note, I'm back to my morning oatmeal instead of those breakfast bars. I'm also drinking lots of water. Little steps here and there and I should be back to "happy me" in no time.


Blogger Jules said...

Sounds like hubby's supportive wee pep talk has really fired you up!!

Good on you for giving it a go, I would so love to learn mechanics so I didn't have to pay some arsehole hundreds of dollars to "fix" my car just for a new more expensive problem to mysteriously appear the following week. Funny how that always happens after the mechanics.

3:54 PM  
Anonymous Decaf Jen said...

You mean you can do it more than once a month? (last post). Shhhhh.....don't let my husband know.

7:40 PM  

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