Wednesday, August 31, 2005


I'm finally watching detailed news coverage of Katrina. I'm more of a newspaper reader and get most of my information there. The news is basically a rehash of the NY Times anyhow. Also with the kids, PT work, dinner, and all the mother stuff I don't get much time to watch tv. Well I'm watching this horrow unfold today. The suffering in their voices and the desperation just breaks me heart. I can't even imagine losing everything, and then losing your family members or not knowing if your family members are alive. Onto the bastards in this! Those fucking looters. I can't believe them. How f'n selfish do you have to be? Why are you stealing a TV set, you have no damn electricity. Stealing boxes of Nike shoes. What assholes! I can understand stealing food/ice/water etc for survival. Things like that...I would steal to protect and feed my family. Somehow, someway I would find a way to pay for the stuff I took. But to have time/energy to actually steal a television set or a pair of pumps. For Pete's sake have some decency! I need to remember my motto.."what goes around comes around"