Sunday, August 21, 2005

Saw all my college sorority sisters yesterday. What fun. I just saw some of the girls in May and have lost 10lbs since then. Got a lot of compliments about how good I look since losing those last 10. One girl even told me I looked shorter...which we thought might be from boob loss. It wasn't meant as a negative comment and I don't take it that way. Well all those "you look good" did the reverse for me....I ate fine at the party, but 2 hours later I had to have a WAWA wrap, and some crappy discusting pure bad carb desert, and cookies. Not even looking at that scale this morning. Drinking tons of water...maybe will run tonight. The humidity is back (did it ever leave) but I think I really need to sweat out the poisens in my system. Did I mention all the beers i drank?