Sunday, September 11, 2005

I did it!

Well it's over. I finally did one of my goals. I did a personal best too. 27.51 minutes. I could of had a better time if I didn't have such low self confidence that I placed myself in the back of the pack. I wasted about 30 seconds trying to get around all the slow people. It was an easier run than I'm used to b/c it was totally flat also. I still I feel that I could of pushed it "out" longer and faster at the end. I placed 5th in my age group and 132 out of 312 I would of placed 1st if I were in the 50 yr old age group. (that brings me back down to Earth) My girls and I made a mistake and ripped off our info from our #'s tag and they need that when you cross the finish line. Being newbies we didn't know this. The party afterward rocked. Free beer, bagels, sausge & cheese sandwiches, gogurt, fruit, nutri-grams bars etc. I ate like shit all weekend. Probably about 100 points (i'm not exaggerating either)

Camping was fun. I did the race on total lack of sleep though. Those air beds aren't the most comfy if your husband or anyone sleeps on it with you. At least it wasn't humid and buggy there. The beach was great. Awesome, scare your bikini bottoms off wave after wave. (love it!!!!) The guys surf fished and caught two blues that they ate. I, in the meantime ate half a bag of cool ranch doritos, rice krispie treats, hot dog and about 4 beers (not including the two I downed after the race) Camping is done for the year. It is such a pain to pack your entire house to go camping for the weekend. I have it down to a science and half the crap is already in tubs, but with the kids and the beach stuff we have to lug down it's just so much.

I can not wait until the next race (in November) I would like to take off 2 minutes from my time. If we keep hill training I think we can do it. We plan to revamp the whole training with sprints and time trials. I will explain later. At least the next race I will have some decent sleep. Oh and I am not a "serious, real runner". Did you know that? I sure didn't. I am only a real runner if I run 10 miles. Mmmm, hmmmm. Yep...just so you know that! Some dick was telling some other people that if he ran the 5k he would come in 7th overall (he was about 49) and only the real serious runners run the 10 miler. I told my husband this story after the race and he was like well if the rest of the 10milers ran the 5k this guy would come in the bottom 75%. Thank you sweetie! Man that arrogant guy pissed me off. He's lucky I wasn't PMSing b/c I am about as nasty as you can get.

I will post pictures when they come up on the website. Oh and some of those 10 milers (not the dick) were so cute. They sure don't run around here. We were practically drooling.

I ran Sunday night. It didn't feel as good as the race. My knees were killing me. I need to get to the gym on Tuesday and get back on schedule. Definately need to add swimming for cardio training. That usually wipes me out, but gets me on a high for a few hours. The outside runs can only be done on my days off b/c with soccer, kid swimming and the hour homework my first grader gets I just don't have the "summer time" anymore.


Blogger Jennifer P said...

That's awesome! You beat your goal ahead of time. Way to set the bar higher for November. Do the hills now and your 5K in November will be a breeze!

9:05 PM  
Blogger Zara said...

Other goals: Run a 5k in September w/out walking

WOW! I am so impressed. You blew that goal out of the WATER! Seriously. That's sooo freakin' awesome!

Thanks for your comments on my blog. That's how I found you and I'm glad I did! :)

8:22 AM  

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