Thursday, September 01, 2005


My gym: I've decided I like my gym. It's quite nice now that the pool is being painted, which means that there are no old people crowding up the locker room. I shouldn't be so mean, but it's like my private club. I wouldn't mind it so much but we have communal showers. I have no problem with being naked in front of people, but I'm enjoying the privacy. Also my gym is not lily white, yuppie, look at my fancy new clothes place. It's blacks, whites, puerto rico, etc...all doing their own thing. We have one of those fancy gyms near my house. They actually have one area with a red and green light. When the light goes to red you have to get off the machine and move to the next one. That's where all the super buff's work out. It's all pretty and chromy in that room. Too fancy for pumping muscle and sweating on a mill in my opinion. Oh and I have a free membership through work at my gym.

My SUV: I wish I had a hybrid. I used to have a Saturn. Then I had baby #3, and as any parent knows those car seats are huge and barely fit in a regular car. We actually tried all three seats in the back and the two older kids couldn't even get themselves buckled. Of course dh would not be caught dead in a minivan. He thought I should get a Lincoln. Actually that would be worse than the SUV b/c you need high test gas. The SUV is great in snow, surf fishing, camping, carpooling with other mom's. I'm just not driving anywhere anymore. I was going to go to IKEA this weekend, but it is not worth it. Sorry IKEA you lost about $200+.

Home Improvements: Can we all stop with the additions, new kitchens, sunrooms and new patio's, neighbors? I can not and will not keep up with the Jones'. Once one neighbor does something, everyone else has to copy in some way. Except me of course. I just paint another room. Maybe if we had tons of money laying around I would buy granite countertops, but my 1970's ugly yellow laminate still works. Actually you can cut with a sharp knife on it and it won't scratch. They just don't make laminate like they used to.

My Stomach: Ok I'm obsessed with this stomach of mine. What is wrong with it? Why is it so fat? I look like I'm pregnant. (see July 2005 "a tumor?") Here are the latest pictures I took.
Again letting it all hang out and sucking it. Well the breasts are much smaller. Yeah!! See the little fellow in the one shot, yeah that's the one...pushing me out of the way so he can climb something and do some damage somewhere. Actually what he is doing is going to the clothes hamper to put Thomas trains, masking tape (again me with the painting) deodorant, toothpaste in it. Why he can't pick up the clothes my dh leaves on the floor and put them in the hamper I will never know. Maybe it's inbred men skills?

Running: I'm getting quite excited for the 5k next week. My competitive spirit is starting to kick in. It's like 2nd nature if you were brought up in competitive sports. (for me it was swimming for 10 years) It's going to be interesting to run with/against other people. I hope I don't go out to strong or putter out b/c I'm trying to keep up with 8 mile-min people. Hope to get a pic of me running...i'm curious what I look like. Do I look like a strong woman? An athlete? A woman with a 39 year old body or a woman with a 30 year old body. If I wear a lycra top I will probably look like a pregnant woman starting her 2nd trimester.