Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Little knowns

Seven Things I Plan To Do Before I Die
Ride a horse on the beach in Donegal, Ireland -- did it.
Ride a Harley Davidson -- did it.
Ride a Hot Air Balloon -- did it.
See the pyramids -- did it.
Raise 3 decent children
Visit Alaska
Go back and visit New Zealand or go to Maui...

Seven Things I Can Do
Read any Harry Potter book in a day
Cook anything that is given to me. (with the exception of duck, I refuse to cook that)
Set-up Thomas the tank engine in tons of different ways.
Twirl fire batons
Clean and gut a fish
Dive off a 15ft spring board w/no fear.

Seven Things I Can't Do
Speak a foreign language (just a little dora spanish and "where is the bathroom")
Keep my kitchen floor spotless for 1 hour
bake desserts for hours on end (i so want to give my kids those Christmas cookies baking memories, let's face it, it is not going to happen)
make a decent snow man
Find the remote control on a daily basis.

Seven things that attract me to the opposite sex
Rugged look (a mans man-- no pretty boys need appy)
Clean cut
He must be tall
Sense of humor
Great with kids
Likes the outdoors

Seven Things I Say Most
Jesus, Mary & Joseph! (should of named my children this)
Fuck (i'm trying real hard to stop with this one)
I love you
Stop it you two.
David, NO!!!!
Leave the baby alone!
hi Sweetie.

Seven Celebrity Crushes
young paul newman
young harrison ford
Matthew McConaughey
Matthew Fox (jack on lost)
Josh Holloway (sawyer on lost)
George Clooney
Matt Damon

  • Compliments from Lori's website.

  • Went for a final run tonight. I felt really off. My time was 28+ minutes, which is good, but I was just dying. After this week I'm going to go for some slower longer runs. I'm tired of trying to beat my times. Anyhow that is not how to prepare for a 5k. Instead of doing hiit at they gym we need to incorporate into our sat and sunday runs.

  • Skipped the PTA meeting tonight. Got some grief from some of the moms. First it's going to be super packed and since it's a new school it will probably go on forever. The very first one in the summer they spent over an hour deciding whether to be a PTA or PTO. Of course while running through the neighborhoods tonight I see that all the Dad's are home. Why don't they have to go? Hmmmm?
  • What the heck are these dots? Oh well. Tomorrow is a non work day. I'm going to the local prison to take my bright blue ugly couch and ugly dark brown chair to get reupolstered. Dh and I broke on of the legs on the couch while loading it on his truck. I'm assuming the prisoners can fix that. I painted the ugly chair this week. I should take before and after pics of this ugly furniture. Ugh it's so gross. Dh wants to trash it and buy new furniture, but it's practically an antique. The couch is so long. It will look so much nicer not being bright blue. The chair is going to my daughter. Going to do it an fun pink pattern. Can't be to kiddy b/c I want her to still like it in her tweens, teens, college years etc.

    I need to decide what to have for dinner tomorrow. Hoping there is some marinated turkey in the freezer, or some flank steak. Definately not in the mood for chicken.

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