Tuesday, September 13, 2005

still 143lbs. I can't believe I didn't gain weight after eating like a pig this weekend. I finally got back to the gym. I haven't been there in a week, which hasn't happened since I started working out. I also got the nerve to ask the fitness guy to show me core work. I've been doing what little I know for a couple of months and basically......yep i've been doing it all wrong. He showed me some new stuff to do for a month (I can only do about 5 reps on some equipment) then I have to go back to him and well get in to harder core.

The pool ho's are back. They finished painting the pool so all the old farts are back in MY locker room. I was spoiled for about a week. One chick was getting dressed to go home when I got there and after an hour of working out she was just finishing up! Ok she had a cast of some sort on her leg, but geesh.

I'm going to get back in that pool next week. It looks so clean. Hope this core work helps me on those flip turns so i'm not drowning and gasping for breath. Also I'm having some serious issues with my shins. I did sprints on the treadmill and last night my legs were killing me. I've googled everything I could about shin splints and I need to do other things than just stretch before and after. Yesterday the baby kicked my shins and it was sooo painful. Oh, and that's another story. I'm waiting for child services to appear at my door. The baby just wanted to play in the parking lot (of course not in the acres of green grass that were available to him) After chasing him into the street 4 times and hanging with him in the parking lot I finally sat down and everytime he tried to get past me I would grab his leg or tackle him. He was tired and pissed. To make a long story as short as possible, when the game was finally over these old people were shooting me daggers and when I drove away one of them got up and was checking out my license plate. If these ding bats call CPS I'm going to ... i don't know what I will do. I do know I did nothing wrong. If I were home and he were acting like that he would of been put in his crib for a nap. I have decided that I cannot watch my dd practice soccer. I'm going to have to bring the stroller and walk around for an hour with him. I could try running there, but it would be running on super hills (need to take pics of these things) back roads and neighborhoods. My running partner is running the super hills. She is going to kick my ass in November.


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