Friday, November 25, 2005

The Good, The Bad and What the________

The good!

Stomach - it's getting flatter
Workout - I've realized I have to extend the gym cardio from 20 min to 30. I about died on the eliptical Wednesday. I also got a 5 mile semi-hill run in on Thursday. Total workout for this week will be either 5 or 6. Depending if I can get an easy xc run in today.
Mr. Mike - My daughter's swim coach and my (i like to think this) personal physical therapist. He gave me some muscles lessons on Wednesday and some new stretches to help out my knee problems. Also just by looking at me standing he can tell I'm an overprontator. (maybe that belongs in bad)
I made it to 40.

The Bad!

Stomach - it's very, uh, wrinkly. Gross.
Toddler - At the turkey day dinner he cried for 90 minutes straight. Relatives were wondering if maybe we should take him to the emergency room. Will demand a full blood workup from his doctor on Monday. The state is coming to our home Monday for speech evaluation #2. Will mention Autism symptoms. It is technically to eary to diagnos this disorder, but something is just not right with him. I've been realizing this more and more everyday. I hope I'm overreacting (as usual). The internet doesn't help me feel better (don't google signs and symptons of will have it)
Race - My niece told me the names of the "killer hills" I will encounter. I've deleted them from memory. Added time from road to xc is 3-5 minutes.
ugh, I'm 40.

What the ______?

Ok I swear like a truck driver, construction worker, Philadelphia Eagles Fan, whatever...I think I have been trying to stop and say "what the.......and think the rest of the word (usually Fuck) Well now my kids will come into a room and maybe the baby has destroyed the room 2 minutes prior and they will say "what the?" It's always "what the" "what the" We could be driving and get a red light and the boy will say "what the!" (well it's better than "Jesus Christ another red light")

wtf I'm really 40?


Blogger tryathlete said...

40! Yay!

I hope the kiddies don't go "what the" in front of the Sisters! Would "water" be an adequate substitute?

9:37 AM  

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