Thursday, November 03, 2005

*^$)*#%&*^%$@! halloween candy

F U halloween candy. I can not control myself. Maybe a snickers bar, Nestle crunch and two (2) Irwin cookies aren't the best before a run food. I think I need Atkins to clean out my system of the sugar. (joking)

I had a totally crappy (I mean that literally), my legs feel like cement blocks and my lungs are on fire run. It sucked. I'm a stretching whore and I had to literally jump in my car, speed home and run to the bathroom. That has never happened to me on a run. I've heard of it happening to marathon runners, but I don't think 4 miles constitutes that. Weird.

I finally found the results from last years state XC race. I will finish in the botton 1/3. I need to go out and run the course (which is a good 1/2 hour from my home) I'm hoping the slow pokes come back to run b/c if they aren't there I will be the last one. Well I can't be last b/c that is NOT an option. Everyone says its a hard course. I can run a 5k in 25.19 min (flat ground) I need to stay within 2 minutes of that time. I can NOT be last. The whole husband family is going to be there. I feel like singing the eminem song right now. It's on my IPOD...I better blare that during the race.

"Look, if you had one shot or one opportunity
To seize everything you ever wanted in one moment
Would you capture it or just let it slip?"

"So here I go, it's my shot
Feet fail me not
Cuz maybe the only opportunity that I got"

Ok, it's a bit way over the top, it's just a race...but I think I need something to freak out about.

My half marathon partner wants to know why I didn't call her the other day. I lied and said I didn't run b/c the husband was to hung over. Well that part is true, he was hung over. I wanted to go running with her, but when I mentioned 7 miles she said "I can't do 7 miles" I do not want to hear that! I have never done 7 miles, but I did it. If she called me and said lets run 10 miles, I would do/try it. If I had to stop... I want her to keep going, I'm not going to say I can't do that. (i don't think I can do that though LOL)

I got reamed at work today. After 4 years my boss decided to get offended by my Howard Stern listening. Made me look like a complete ass. He DID apologize to me later and now I have to wear headphones at work, but it really put a damper on my morning. I vented to my girlfriend and she told me to get PMS Midol. Claims it takes the edge of everything. She admitted that she's addicted to the stuff. My only question was will it get rid of bloating. It's all about the weight.

I must apologize to the WW scale. It seems the master scale at home was set back 2lbs. The cookie monster got to it. I saw him playing with it the other day while I was getting dressed. What phrase do you think I say most during the day? It is:

Yes. The littlest one's name is David. I have every "No, David" out there. These books were written by David Shannon and are illustrated the same way he drew when he was little. The kid to the left is scary as all hell (especially with the vampire teeth) but this is what I do all day. "no david, get off the computer david, no david, get off the table david, get out of the trash david, don't eat dirt david, give me that david, give me the sharpie david, get down david, sit down david, stop david, for the love of God david, give me your sister homework david, get out of the toilet david, leave your brother's trains alone david, get out of the street david, don't touch the dogs butt david, ........NO DAVID. I don't know how I have time to eat halloween candy.


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