Wednesday, June 28, 2006

By the way

Did I forget to mention that my daughter is an awesome swimmer? I don't know if I've had an attitude adjustment (weird, b/c I have PMS) but she looked incredible tonight. (i forgot the camera) She came in 3rd in back, and chopped 1 second off her time in a metered pool (5 seconds from her first meet) In the freestyle relay she looked great. Ok she came in 4th, but 2 of the kids that were in the pool have been competively swimming for 2 or more years. I was just awed by her improvement.

I think I might have gotten a runner's high from my excitement.

What a kid!

Good morning?

Chainsaw house...this weekend.

Sunday, June 25, 2006


The weather has been horrendous for anything. It's rainy with tons of humidy. I've been eathing the entire house out and making cookies when there isn't anything sweet to eat. PMS is coming b/c I can bitch on any number of topics. They include Thomas the Tank Engine, bad restaurants, bad service, my husband's driving, Walmart and the melting of the polor icecaps. So rather than bitch here are some pictures.

He's just to damn cute

Running partner #4

Father's Day gift. The neighborhood ladies came over and we did this amazing wainscoting job in my living room. That handsome boy in the picture is my husband. Kinda looks like picture #1.

I haven't forgotton a picture of my daughter. I'm going to get one of her getting ready to dive at the next meet. She looks amazing before she dives in. We are working on amazing in the pool next. It'll come soon.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

coulda, sorta and dida

Coulda ... done a 50
Sorta ... a 25
Dida ... I did it

Yes I swam. The whole thing was confusing. The meet ran super late, the other teams parents didn't want to swim so they put their children in their place. Yes Amazon woman (their coach) started off. I have never seen a woman (girl) built like this. I'm not exaggerating, she looked just like that. Our teams were stocked with atheltes also. Let's see the guy who started our race was awesome. I have no idea his story. Our other team had a 2006 triathelete (florida, I think?) a Canadian Olympic contender (missed by 0.210 from getting on the team) an Annapolis Naval graduate and some others amazing parents. For some reason they let us old folks (our lane) swim 25yds. I ran down to the shallow end (not allowed to dive in) jumped in and swam like crazy. It was like I never left the pool. I actually stopped 4 feet from the wall b/c I thought the race was over. It wasn't I was just a lot faster than I thought I was. I'm glad I did it.

I can't watch me daughter swim, or should I say finish. I get to frustrated. I'm trying not to be crazy mom, but she is really bad. I know I'm mean and horrible, but it is the truth. She does try (which some kids don't) but she isn't good at all. She should be swimming in 8 and under, but they have her swimming in exhibition heats (doesn't count) with 5 year olds (who beat her) I've paid for almost 2 years of swim lessons and they've basically taught her how not to drown. Actually, on her backstroke she was doing well but she stopped and stared at the wall and came in last. We lied and said she got 3rd. On her freestyle some kid basically swam the thing mostly on her back(no stroke) and beat her by a 1/4 of the pool. The swimming coaches I have used say once she gets her stroke she will be great. I think they just say that so I keep paying them the big bucks to keep her in swimming. I always give her the 'ole "you did great" But it's time for me to realize that none of my children are athletic. Which is definately not the end of the world. My husband (the normal, sane one) keeps telling me she is only 7 and to get over it (he is right). I will pay for one more year of winter swimming for her, son #2, (I just want him to learn to swim so he won't drown someday) and I'm starting my 2 year old in lessons in January so he can get some basics in for summer of 2007 and be ready to play in the big pool that year.

I don't think this weekend is going to be conductive to walking or running. My ankle is starting to swell and get a bruised look to it. It might be time to make an appointment with an MD on this issue. I keep picturing the doctor saying "ice it, take Ibuprofen and call me in a week, oh and pay your co-pay on the way out."

Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

I am my son

I ran 3.3 miles yesterday. A lot of flat ground and some small and big hills mixed in. It felt like a super crappy run. I still can't make it up the final hill. I haven't made it up this hill since I was in training for the half marathon. I ran a 9.44 pace. ACK. Actually that isn't bad since I only ran once last week and the walking is the only thing keeping me in cardio shape. After the run I went on a 1 hour cardio killer power walk with running partner #1.

The scale is no longer my friend. I don't like the #'s I'm seeing there. But, my clothes feel good and I don't feel the scale # reflects my weight. I have been eating shitty for the past week. Today I go to the market to get some food b/c right now the cupboards are pretty bare with the exception of goldfish, pretzels, soup and gatorade.

Regarding the title for today. I have said numerous times that my son, "T" lacks confidence and doesn't want to try anything new. Well our swim team is having a parents relay today and they are looking to stock a second team. I would have to swim 50 free. I've been debating about doing it for hours. Why? Because I lack the confidence. I haven't swam since 2005 (and that what just for cross training, you know a 20 min swim). Here are my questions to myself. Will my googles fall off on my dive, can I dive, will I drown on the flip turn, can I still do a flip turn, will the other parents kick my ass, are the other parents triatheltes in training, will my kids be embarassed about mom looking like an idiot, will I be the fattest one up there, will I look like an ass? It goes on and on. Then I think to myself, I will be pissed if I don't do it. I want my kids to try new things, why can't I? I should set an example. Running that 5k last year was pretty scary (but I had been training then) I was a pretty good swimmer (at 16) who gives a fuck what I look like. At least I'm out there giving it my best.

To be continued.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


My running program might not be hot, but the weather sure is. This past weekend was consumed with a swim meet, father's day activities and the heat. The swim meet took the entire morning up and there was no way I was walking, much less running in the afternoon heat. We ended up spending the afternoon at the pool. My little guy has no need for the baby pool and just wants to hang on mom or dad in the big pool. Cool. Sunday was father's day so I cooked an awesome breakfast and dinner for my father and hubby. I will post pictures of my father's day gift to my husband when it is finished. It was a group effort (long story later with the pictures) On Mother's and Father's day the person of honor gets the day to themselves. Those w/out kids may think that is horrible, but those with children understand. My husband got to spend the afternoon fishing (and they were jumping). He, of course leaves his wet sneakers in my SUV for me to smell the next morning and wonder what the heck stinks for the next few hours.

I saw running partner #2 go for her run this morning at 6:15. I should of joined her b/c my husband isn't carpooling this week so he leaves for work about an hour later than normal. But by the time I would of yelled at her, it would of taken my 15 min to get ready and stretched etc...and I didn't want to hold her up. I hope to get a run in tonight.

I saw the Lake House last night. Keneau (sp) Reeves, really isn't that much of an actor, the movie was so slow, but it was cute and has a feel good ending. If you are into lovey, dovey love stories rent it when it comes out of dvd which will be soon. I saw Cars on Sunday with the kids. It's Doc Hollywood with cars. Do the movie theatre's really need to show 30 minutes of previews for movies that are NOT coming out until summer of 2007? Thank goodness I got David a babysitter b/c cars was too long and I would of spent the last 30 minutes in the lobby looking at the popcorn machine and chasing him around.

Running partner #1 just called ... we are going to run for 20-30 min and then go on an hour power walk tonight. Yeah!

On my end new drink (I dropped beer) is Vanilla Vodka (Grey Goose) ginger ale and a twist of lemon. Yum. I love gin and tonics, but I seem to turn into a crazy nymphomaniac when I drink those. Hmm, next year I can buy a bottle of gin and drink those for Father's day.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

More running

Well the walks have gotton shorter and the runs longer. My walking partner is at the beach (lucky bitch) so running partner #1 and I are back to last year and running together again. She made a comment about feeling slow, but I assured her that we are running avg 9+ ish miles. Not shabby. She also made a comment how nice it is that I'm running with her and not crazy lady and running obnoxiously fast. I was obnoxious last year. I wasn't meaning to be super runner girl. I was just so into the competitive I have to get faster, do sprints 2x a week crazy chick. I'm into running for me and not the 5k's personal best. Though that could change closer to the beach 5k.

I'm still having some on-going running injuries. Ever since the half, my ankle has been bothering me. If I try to go on tip-toe with it I get shooting pain. Weird. My hip was hurting on the last run too. That was easy to run through though.

I was chatting with running partner #2 who is training for the rock-n-roll half in VA beach. She is where I was last year. Reading books, hooked on training schedules and she lost about 20+ lbs. I personally think she is to thin, but it's her body not mine. She competing in that then the Disney World marathon. I inspired her on this quest. (nice) One comment that that she said is so true (to me)

"i'm inspired by the 250lb overweight individual running a 5k, not the ultrathin running individual that is doing sprints beforehand"
She's right. It takes a lot for someone who is new to running to get the gumption to try, train, sign up and run their first 5k, and then keep doing it.
My dear daughter is on the swim team. She's at the bottom age of her age group and is not real good (not real bad either) At time trials she came in second to last in her freestyle and was almost in tears. I felt so bad for her. She has to correct her stroke on her right side and she will be so much better. I just tell her to not worry about her place, just try to swim her hardest and her goal should be improving her times. I want this to fun for her. Later if she loves it, she can get crazy competitive like her mom was at the time. Though I don't think she's that type of child. That might be my 2 year old. Then again he could just be crazy.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Walking is harder than running?

Could it be?

Yesterday I went walking with running partner #1. She is the fastest walker I have ever met. (she's 5'8" to my 5'5) Though that shouldn't make a much of a difference. Soon I was jogging every once in awhile to; keep up with her, take a cardio break, to make my legs feel better. Then I suggested we just jog. Unfortunetley my knee started to give out at the end of (i'm assuming mile 1) I asked if we could walk at such and such point. Somehow she sped up, I thought she was sprinting so I sprinted, then she sprinted and then she pulled a muscle. Mini stretch for both of us, more walking, which hurt her muscles and made me feel crappy so we ran the rest of the way. We decided that jogging was easier. How about that? I think with jogging you are always in forward motion and walking you have to push yourself forward. Does that make sense? Running with an IPOD rocks too. We were just chatting, but I find it easier to complete my runs with blasting tunes. I also noticed that I'm huffing and puffing in the beginning of the walks/runs and at the end I'm breating easily. She was the opposite of me on that one. It was quite interesting.

While looking for inspiration the other day I clicked onto Wil's sight. I find this woman amazing. I have no idea how she does it all. I was shocked when I paged down to her June 10th entry. Check it out. She is the same height and weight as I am. My body doesn't look anything like that. I'm not even posting a pic of me posing. I can hear the laughter now! I just find it so interesting how two bodies, all things being equal can look so different.

Sunday, June 11, 2006


That's what it is all about. Finding time, no MAKING time to exercise. I woke up Saturday and knew I wanted to run. I'm not good at afternoon running and we had a soccer game at 10:30. Rather than sit around and wait (well, do wash and clean the house) I drove over to the fields an hour early and went for my run. My husband (who is the greatest) got the kids ready and went at the correct time.

My run starts up a hill. That basically sucks. You feel like crap and wonder what the heck you are getting yourself into. Then you keep going. I ran a serious hill route. I actually had to break one hill down into two stages so I wouldn't stop and quit. ("just get to part 1, just get to part 1..." I kept repeating) I have no idea how far I ran (that's my new thang) I ran for 19.10 on the way there and 19.20 on the way back. On the way back I ran into the wind. Well that's my excuse for a crappy back run. I hope I was running faster than 10 min miles. I'm still walking 5 days a week for an hour.

Soccer is over. Hooray!

My thyroid test came back at 2.8. That is pretty much the middle range of where I want to be. Since I last posted I think I found out what could be my problem. The other night I made pasta with broccoli rabe and tomatoes. I didn't have enough whole wheat pasta and used regular instead. After eating I passed out (comatose) on the couch at 7:00. The only reason I got up was to force myself to walk. I started thinking that when I drink beer I get so tired and always leave the party early. When I passed out on the couch I felt like I did when I was pregnant with #2. Which brings me to diabetes. I had gestational diabetes and learned so much during those months. For example just because a muffin says zucchini bran it's really loaded with sugar and bad carbs. I have an appt with an endocrinologist (Gland Doctor) in July. My grandfather died of complications from diabetes and my aunt has diabetes. I might be pre-diabetic (b/c of course I don't have unexplained weight loss) I don't want to do atkins (I would lose my two favorite foods...oatmeal and apples) but I might have to. How will this affect my runs is another consideration. Currently I'm not doing anything over 5 miles so there is no real need for carbs for something like that. I could also be hypoglycemic. OR I could be a hypocondriac. No, I know something is wrong. In January I thought I was losing my mind and was hypothyroid. I know my body and mind so well that something is up. I just need to deal with it.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

I see them

Runners. Everywhere. But I'm not one of them. I have run once since my last post. It was a pretty good run (my neighbor saw me on the highway and said I was so chipper and happy (????)) but I haven't had time to devote to the cause this month. Actually doing that run (which I only did b/c I was mad at the world) made me realize that:

I'm not where I want to be
I can still run
I need to get over my fear of running failure
I love running

I do power walk everynight but it is not the same thing. I need to set definate goals and get out there. Right now we are winding up the school year and child #1 has swim team practice every night at 4pm for an hour. I could run for that hour with child #3 in the stroller, but I would have to do that up a busy highway and child #2 would be stuck in the baby pool w/out supervision. Mom-of-the-year I would be not. I have a ton of excuses of why I can't do it. I should run for 30-45 min, then do a 60 min power walk after that. Hmmm, maybe that can work.

David got his tubes in yesterday. He was a monster when he got out of the anesthisa (sp!) It really affects children weird. Me....i love it. So he cried for 2 hours straight and passed out for several more. They didn't see any water/congestion behind his ears either. I'm worried that we are headed for hearing aids with him. Well, if that is the worst thing that happens to my child, i'm blessed.

Child #2 wants to join swim team. Yes, the kid who bitches everyday about swim lessons wants to join swim team. He played a soccer game last week and me and his grandfather just laughed and laughed watching him. He is to funny. He just runs, up and down the field kinda with the ball, but about 10 feet away. He just cracks me up b/c he sucks so bad at it. BUT he is having the best time out there.

You can tell the kids who are going to be jocks at this point (5-6 years old) They are just very coordinated. Neither child of mine (maybe #3) is going to be a jock in any way. I see kids out there with the nerdiest parents who weren't jocks when they were young and are completely out of shape now and their kids are amazing. (not that I was a jock in any way shape or form. If the sport involved a ball, I sucked and was picked last.) I just want my kids to have fun.

I hope to be posting about some runs soon!