Runners. Everywhere. But I'm not one of them. I have run once since my last post. It was a pretty good run (my neighbor saw me on the highway and said I was so chipper and happy (????)) but I haven't had time to devote to the cause this month. Actually doing that run (which I only did b/c I was mad at the world) made me realize that:
I'm not where I want to be
I can still run
I need to get over my fear of running failure
I love running
I do power walk everynight but it is not the same thing. I need to set definate goals and get out there. Right now we are winding up the school year and child #1 has swim team practice every night at 4pm for an hour. I could run for that hour with child #3 in the stroller, but I would have to do that up a busy highway and child #2 would be stuck in the baby pool w/out supervision. Mom-of-the-year I would be not. I have a ton of excuses of why I can't do it. I should run for 30-45 min, then do a 60 min power walk after that. Hmmm, maybe that can work.
David got his tubes in yesterday. He was a monster when he got out of the anesthisa (sp!) It really affects children weird. Me....i love it. So he cried for 2 hours straight and passed out for several more. They didn't see any water/congestion behind his ears either. I'm worried that we are headed for hearing aids with him. Well, if that is the worst thing that happens to my child, i'm blessed.
Child #2 wants to join swim team. Yes, the kid who bitches everyday about swim lessons wants to join swim team. He played a soccer game last week and me and his grandfather just laughed and laughed watching him. He is to funny. He just runs, up and down the field kinda with the ball, but about 10 feet away. He just cracks me up b/c he sucks so bad at it. BUT he is having the best time out there.
You can tell the kids who are going to be jocks at this point (5-6 years old) They are just very coordinated. Neither child of mine (maybe #3) is going to be a jock in any way. I see kids out there with the nerdiest parents who weren't jocks when they were young and are completely out of shape now and their kids are amazing. (not that I was a jock in any way shape or form. If the sport involved a ball, I sucked and was picked last.) I just want my kids to have fun.
I hope to be posting about some runs soon!