Monday, October 23, 2006

Dress like a runner

Do you? I do not dress like a runner unless I am running. I see runners or people that want to look like they run all the time. They are usually in their sweats, under armour, Nikes (always Nikes, never Brooks) and I always see them at the grocery store. I never see them actually running. If anyone saw me at the grocery store the only reason they would say "hey I bet she runs" is looking at my ironman watch. I never wear my running gear out. No shorts, under amour, sneakers .... nada nothing. I guess I just feel that when I wear running gear I need to run. It's my uniform, not my daily clothing.

I feel like I'm losing my edge on running sometimes. I ran Saturday and got done my first sprint (which kill me cardio wise) and I see another older runner ahead of me. Try as I might I could not catch the bitch. Granted the sprint wasted me, but usually I can catch people. Thank God she took a short steep hill route and I got to go down a slow long hill. I'm sure she could hear me gasping for air behind her.

Well I got 4 runs in last week and my weight dipped to 142. (today it's 144 b/c I ate a pan cake, pumpkin pie, 8 beers, cookies, candy apples, candy corn, candy, icing.....and on and on) On the bright side of my weight dropping I actually fit into two belts that I almost gave away last year b/c they "would never ever fit" Wild. Of course I sucked it in and wore the belts all day for two days. Hubby tried to get fresh and stick his hands down my pants and was foiled. He kept trying and was like "what the?" Tough life.

A lot more has happened since I last posted, but I'm too damn lazy to report on it.


Blogger tryathlete said...

I never dress like a runner. It's just shirt, jogging bottoms, cheapest Nikes. My running look is more the "Just stumbled out of bed, going to have a shower after a run, so can't be bothered for now" look. Oh, and I stink as well.

Congratulations on fitting into those belts!

3:28 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Dress like a runner????...maybe that is why my running stinks because I am not clothed properly. I wear my Aasics, mens gym shorts, and a ratty old tee shirt.... Will I be faster if I let Nike dress me????

5:22 AM  

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