Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Avoidance and blogging

I'm avoiding a friend on mine. Which doesn't say much for the type of friend I am does it?

Like me she works part-time. We have the same day off. She called the other day and wanted to get together. I made up some lame excuse about going to the vet, car issues, swim team etc. One of the last times I had her and her children over for a playdate it went on for hours. They would NOT leave. Our other friends that came left at a reasonable time. She did not. I don't think she likes spending time with her children. One is special needs and the other is a recent adoption. I know she loves them. I think she is bored with the idea of sitting home with them. I have my ideas about why she adopted a child, but it is not a nice idea. She wants to hang out with me and mine for a minimum of 4 hours. I don't know about you, but I have things to do. I don't have a cleaning woman and I enjoy my schedule.

The last time they came to my house the special needs was smothering, hitting the adoptee. There were fights with toys, screaming, yelling and I just don't need that in my day. My evenings yes...but not my day.

We met at a park awhile ago. Again....I was bored out of my skull. My idea is to stay at a park for 45 min max. Her's ....well we were there over an hour. She brought snacks and juice. I don't think I have ever brought snacks and juice to a park. Snacks are what is left on the car seat from swim team practice.

My idea of a 4 hour playdate is one that starts at 4pm, we get a bottle of wine, beer, sushi, pizza and juice boxes. Now that play date I can deal with.

Just another bitch from the East Coast.

Onto the blogging. I don't put much time into what I write. I just don't have the time to come up with witty words, paragraphing, details etc. I try, but usually I hit the send button and all grammer, spelling and punctuation are out the door. So I found it funny yesterday while talking with a very good friend of mine. We were bitching about something and she told me I should start a blog about everything that we bitch about. We could write a book about some of the "shit" that goes on around us. (think Desperate Housewives) I don't even write about the things we see, hear or view. They do make very interesting subject matters. She realized (like myself) that we would get caught. Then we would have the double the stuff to write about. You know it's really not worth it.


Blogger Dana said...

Sounds like your friend needs a better support system to deal w/ everything that's going on w/ her kids. But you are so good to be there for her just the same. I do like your "idea" of a playdate!

Blogging only gives us a glimpse into each other's lives. I am sure that a lot of us that leave out quite a few things when we post due to various reasons.

10:43 AM  
Blogger m said...


She does. Her husband works like crazy and there is nothing for her to do at home. She has a cleaning woman (ok I'm jealous) and she has nothing to do. Me...I have tons of stuff to do. I'd be there for her if it was only 2 hours. 4 just isn't feasible.

1:40 PM  

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