Thursday, October 01, 2009

Still sick

and I'm still exercising. I figured taking the past weekend off did NOT help at all so "f" it. I'm on Mucinex-D and Benadryl. With those I can still workout.

I added abs to my routine. I probably looked pretty pathetic in the gym today using that big-assed ball. One exercise I did 2 sets of 5. I have no ab muscles to speak of. I do have a rather large, visceral, fat stomach though. It looks wonderful in wicky wear. At this point I really don't care as long as the wicky wear covers it. Yesterday I had to put a t-shirt over my wicky because the shirt kept creeping up. I have rather large (D) boobs also. They should drop to a C after I lose 10 lbs.

My rb#1 is unhappy with the cream in my coffee and mayo in my egg salad. I've cut my coffee intake by 60% and I like mayo. She thinks I should drop all fat and take supplements. I'm not a fan of the pills. Maybe that's why I have a cold because I don't take vitamins. I guess I'll add vitamins to my shopping list. It can't hurt. I'm also going the low-sodium V-8 route. I don't get 5 servings of veggies a day.

My body feels tighter. The scale showed a 2lb loss yesterday. Which means 4lbs lost in September. I'm happy with that because my jeans don't feel tight, though my body does. I know I am building good muscle. I'm working out 5x a week and sometimes 2x a day. (morning powerwalk/run , weight lifting and some light cardio in the afternoon)

I'm debating a Sprint Tri. I found a bike I can borrow. The 5k portion will be a piece of cake. I just have to get the swimming portion down pat. Thankfully I did competitive swimming for over 10 years so I have the structue down. I just need to build up the endurance.


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