Sunday, July 24, 2005

Mike's hard lime

God I love this stuff. Party yesterday was amazing. The guy must of dropped a couple grand on it. They had a huge rented double slide for the kids, an in-ground pool and food that would feed an army. Alcohol for that matter too. I now bring my own b/c I hate keg beer, but I ended up with margarita's for most of the day. Actually it's quite nice to have a baby b/c that's our excuse to get out. If we didn't have the little one I would of been quite hungover this morning. Came home and with a little buzz I managed to finish painting our bedroom. It's looks like a cup of cappachino (sp) or mud. I'm tired of seeing beige in everyone's house. I'm going for a change. Now dh wants crown moldings, to rip up all the trim and replace with much thicker trim like a farm house. I'm going to paint/distress my furniture when I quit smoking. One of my many projects I have in mind. I'll list them later for my own reference. Funny thing at the party, I was smoking outside and when we left all the smokers were quarantined in the driveway. Weird, I wonder if I was breaking the rules?

I've been eating crappy today! Yesterday I was good...have noooo idea why. So far I've had raisen bran (sick of bran buds and oatmeal)3 slices of pizza (damn kids b-day parties, veggie patty (yeck) and carrots. Must be my period. Weight 148, probably be 151 tomorrow. Back to the ole journalizing and lots of protein and veggies. What fun!!!!!!!

Went on a run. The weather is too good to pass up. We knocked off our .5 mile begin walk. We didn't walk at all the whole time. YeS! We also didn't do the whole 4.5 mile route b/c the end part of the route is all hills (big hills). But it is a start. I figure it was close to 3 miles. I would of liked to have gone at a faster pace...but we have to start somewhere. Tomorrow the humidity is back (bitch!) so it's walk/run....anyhow tomorrow will be the third day in a row of running. Don't want to go back to injury land.


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