Thursday, July 28, 2005

still kicking

I'm not dead. I didn't run. It was the hottest day ever and we were still going to attempt a slow run, but then the storms came in (yea!) It was wild. It got even hotter, you could barely breathe and then huge thunder, lightning storms came in for a couple of hours. Today is perfect for a total run. We decided at 9:00 am that we are going to full out run 3.1 miles (thank you google pedometer) and fast walk the last 2 miles. K is going on vacation for a week and I leave mid-week to go camping, so we need to do an all out tonight and then run on our own for over a week.

I did legs, stomach and 20 min eliptical hill, level 7. I hate that machine. I keep looking over at the treadmill wishing I was there. I need to keep doing it for 2 more weeks b/c I really think I tricked my body into shedding another 1.5 lbs. I even got on the gym scale, which is in the manly weight room and weighed myself (something unheard of in March) I was a little over 144. Ha! This last weight loss has to be from the change in cardio. I haven't been eating all that great lately. I've been doing some stupid snacking these last few nights (swiss cheese, goldfish and a little chocolate) I hope this weight stays the same and that the snacking doesn't show it's face on the WW scale tomorrow.

Another weird thing going on in my life...I've been doing a lot of cleaning lately. Yesterday I decided our main bathroom stunk and I vaccummed the floor, got on my hands and knees, cleaned it, then got the toothbrush out and cleaned the grout. This is actually phase 2 of cleaning this bathroom. The stench was actually a towel which must of been washed with the Bona Kemi rags and discusting kids bathing suits that were found in a plastic bag a week after they were used. I ended watching most of the clothes again in about a gallon of vinegar and baking soda. I painted our room last week, and did another crazy cleaning in that room also. The week I get my period I am so fricken productive....what is up with that? Maybe I have PMS manic depressive syndrome....the week before I can't do much of anything (chicken nugget, hot dog, pizza, mac n cheese week for the kids and maybe 2 loads of laundry) and the following week I've done about 10 loads of laundry, paid the past-past due bills, painted a room, super cleaned etc.....I don't get it.

Question of the rant today
Why do people wear shoes that don't fit them? Do they like having their heel hanging a inch over the bottom of their shoes and/or their toes over the edge of the front?