Thursday, April 24, 2008


I prefer not to drive anywhere. Not for being green or anything, I'm just one of those people that can't deal with people who don't drive the way I do. I've catorgized them.

Buicks. Watch out. 99.9% of the time you are behind an old person. Most likely you can't see their head over the head rest. If you can it's gray hair. Expect a normal drive to take double the time. .01% it's their grandchild driving the car. Watch out because they are driving like a maniac. Expect the drive to take the normal time if you are behind one of them. All the while you will be thinking to yourself they are a maniac.

Toyota Camry. I don't know why people who drive this car drive slow. They seem to be in their 60s. I try to pass them.

Pirius owners. If the speed limit says 45 they will drive 30. I assume this is when the car is in electric mode. They usually have a license plate telling you they are "green".

Mini-vans. They are probably the fastest/craziest drivers out there. I try to stay away from them.

Mini-cooper. Think "Italian Job". I like people who own these. Even if they have gray hair.

Stick-shift small cars. That's me. We (I) think I'm in a Nascar race. Enough said. If only I had a mini-cooper.

BMW, Jaquar, Lexus (High end versions) WTF. You have this car and you drive like you are in a parking lot. Hit the gas lady. Yes it's a woman behind the wheel.

New Corvette. He's having a mid-life crisis. He will drive slow so we can see his car and him, OR he will drive fast because he's 18 (in his mind) again.

1960 decade Camero. Drive slower so I can gawk.

Suburban/Tahoe/Fords/Jeep/ SUV's. Usually they don't bother me. Unless my husband is behind the wheel. He'll let you in no matter what. Sometimes they can be like mini-van drivers though. You never know.

Audi. 90% of the time it seems like it's some rich kid driving their parents car OR the car their parents bought them. I try to stay away, unless it's I-95 then I figure the police will stop them before me.

Saturn. This car can either be a Buick or a small stick shift. If you can see the person's head and the hair isn't gray you are in the clear.

Jeep-Jeep. Usually some hot 20ish year old guy.

Trucks. Usually some hot 30-40ish year old guy in a baseball cap. They drive more on the normal side. Rarely a complaint.

Hummer. You are an idiot. And yes that is what we are all thinking when we see you. "Look at that Idiot". Then we laugh and laugh. Ok that's what we do in our car.

Now I'm off to the gym for weights and swimming. I wonder which of the above cars I will get behind. Probably the Buick.



Blogger neca said...

Hey! I drive a minivan! :-)

7:40 AM  
Blogger momo said...

my husband and i saw a PINK hummer the other day - no lie. i almost thought it was cute and that i should save all my money and get one (all my money, cuz you know those things are NOT cheap), especially you know - since it was pink and all, but my husband looked at me and said - you're joking right?


9:14 AM  
Blogger Brooke said...

I have a jeep-jeep. But I do get the benefit of the "jeep wave." I swear all jeep-jeep drivers have to wave at each other, and when everyone waving to you is a 20-ish guy, it's not so bad.

7:48 AM  

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