Friday, October 02, 2009


I'm gong to start posting emails that I send to friends and family. They seem to crack those people up. (e.g. I sent one to my husband once and he forwarded it to everyone at work. I didn't think is was THAT funny. I would of made it more hysterical if I knew I had an audience. This isn't that funny either, but my friend cracked up over it. ________________________________________
Dear K,
I meant to tell you something this morning. I know you are perturbed (tr.v. per•turbed, per•turb•ing, per•turbs
1. To disturb greatly; make uneasy or anxious.
2. To throw into great confusion.
3. Physics & Astronomy To cause perturbation, as of a celestial orbit.

[Middle English perturben, from Old French perturber, from Latin perturb re : per-, per- + turb re, to throw into disorder (from turba, confusion, perhaps from Greek turb ).]
about my half n half consumpution along with my love of mayonaise. I have cut my coffee consumption by over 70%. I've been drinking tons of tea lately. No dairy!! Now since I'm sick I put some honey in it. Yes, yes, lots of calories, but it is still good for the body (b vitamins) Regarding the mayonaise. I can't eat an egg-salad sandwich without it. I eat the former about 2x a week. Dry egg on bread gives you yellow teeth also. I take too many pills to add your vitamins more to the mix. (even though I think I take less than you on a normal basis) Maybe I've been sick so long is because I don't take vitamins.

I hope this helps with your perturbitude.

My stomach muscles are killing me too. I felt like an idiot on that ball today. I had to prove I wasn't a total dork to myself so I ran sprints on the treadmill. Wherein I hacked up a lung. I cleaned it up according to YMCA standards.




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