Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Mini week in review

Monday: Pilates. New teacher and a whole different workout. She's around 60 with a snowbird tan, bleached hair, and anorexic form. The class kicked my ass.

Tuesday: Run 3ish miles. Run with friend and her dog. I'm breathing heavy. She isn't. She just ran a marathon. My back hurts from Monday.

Wednesday: Rest day. Food good. Realize I have a serious problem with wheat thins. I can not stop eating them.

Thursday: Extreme neck pain. Ran 2.95 miles. Legs felt like lead on the run. Which proves the point that the treadmill and the Arc trainer are not to be used in place of a "real" run. Need to start Nautalis training. Running partner mentions that she wants to get some 8 mile runs in. Is this a hint? Ignore running partner. Though glad her dog had a bowel movement so I could catch my breath.

Lost is on tonight. Wine, salad, wheat thins and cheese buffet.

Friday: Planned rest day because of the above.

Saturday: Hopefully a gym workout day.

Sunday: Superbowl! Beer, chili, wheat thins. Maybe a run beforehand to burn some calories off so I can consume an entire box of wheat thins.

Sunday, January 27, 2008


Saturday: See if my dog will run with me like running partner #2 dog does with her. We started walking. She has been trained very well by my husband. You say "heel" and she obeys. First she has to poop. Obviously I have to look to see what comes out. First words from my mouth...."what the hell is that?!" What household item could she have possibly passed through her intenstinal track? It was orange. I look at her and she is half done. Seems she ate a very long string of some sort. Nice. Now we will attempt to run with a string hanging out her ass. Even she's confused about the string. She keeps trying to look at it. I have a feeling it's a portion of the rug in the mud room.

I start off with a very slow jog. She picks up the pace. This is going to work. I work my way up to a 10 min pace. Now she thinks it's play time. We do this walk, slow run, faster run about 5x and everytime the same result. Brandy is not going to be a running partner. She is a hunter, protector of the family, and eat all things she can reach. That's her job.

I have pavement runs set up for every Tuesday and Thursday morning with running partner #2 and her dog . 9:45 pace for 3+ miles. At this point I'm not concerned with fast pace times. I just want to get back into it.

I have to start eating healthier also.

I'm running a marathon relay in the spring.

I'm looking at 5k races too. (just as I have been looking at them since September)

Friday, January 25, 2008

I am being forced to watch my son swim on Thursdays.

him: "mom you will watch me swim the ENTIRE time"
me: "yes master"

No machine or treadmill while he is swimming. I must thank the boy for forcing me to pavement run at least once during the week. That and I do enjoy watching him swim. I have realized that my boys are much more high maintenance than my daughter. She is extremely laid back compared to them.

I ran a 9:20 pace for 3+ miles. That is fine with me. I wasn't pushing myself. I was breathing pretty hardy though. I hate when the IPOD music pauses b/c I don't want to hear myself gasping. I like to think of myself as that runner that all of a sudden passes you and you are shocked b/c you didn't hear him. I realized that unlike the cat I'm more the rino that you can hear from quite a ways.

The gym is still packed. When are they going to quit?

Jackass was swimming again. He stretched for at least 15 min before he got in the water. Big production stretching too. I've seen less stretching from Michel Phelps before an Olympic swim.

I ordered new googles for swimming. Prescription goggles! Now I can actually see clearly under the water. That and they are tinted so in the summer I can see the kids and not blurs while they are yelling "look at me, look at me!!!" I'll be a raccoon by August.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Swim lessons

Some jackass is probably blogging about what an stupid idiot I am. Though I have a feeling he is using a word more at the beginning of the alphabet.

Usually I don't take J to swim team on Wednesdays. Today I did b/c the car pool failed. After pounding it out on the ARC trainer I decided to swim for 20 minutes. I forgot my swim cap. Great. I go in the pool area and every lane is occupied. I stare at my options. I'm going swimming b/c my mind is set on it and I don't feel like getting out of my suit, putting on my sweaty clothes to do Nautalis. I find a lane with 2 guys in it. One is slow the other is Mr. Triathlete. I figure I'll draft off the fast dude. First lap I loose my hair band. Then I realize my goggles have finally gone to shit. I keep swimming no one else in the lane is moving. I stop and ask if I'm in the way. Mr. Triathlete starts giving me shit and talking to me like I'm in 1st grade.

Him: "I'm trying to go up one lane and back the same way and you're all over the place. I'm going to crash into you. We aren't suppose to be doing circles here." Blah, blah, blah.

Now I realize that he's been talking shit about me to Mr. Slow Guy. Mr. SG doesn't want to be involved in this. I apologize and say I'll move. He keeps bitching about me swimming in circles and basically what an idiot I am. Finally a swim coach comes over and says lane 1 has opened. I'm ready to get out and Mr. Tri jumps out and stomps over there with all his swim crap. You know the legs floates, hand fins etc.

What a fucking ass. He ruined my swim. (and I'm sure I ruined his week with my swimming in "circles") I was so unnerved by him that I jumped out after 15 minutes. The goggles weren't helping matters either. I did chat with Mr. SG. Not about Mr. Jackass. Though I can tell he didn't think much of him. I wish I had gotton the dirt on Mr. Tri, but you know at the time I really didn't feel like bitching or gossiping. (now I do) I was more interested on Mr. SG's niece teaching him how to side breathe.

I told my kids how I got yelled out by "this guy" on the way home. Just so they know mom's get yelled at too. Another lesson on "life isn't fair". I admit that I was wrong. I should of just walked back into the locker room and taken a shower. Lesson learned.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Pilates. Check.

Getting better at the above. Check.

Does playing wii tennis count as exercise?

I think it might if your children must sit on the couches 5 feet back from where you are playing so they don't get hurt.

You increase your cardio even more when you yell at them to get off the &*^%%&^*()( floor so you don't trip over them. Or so you tell them that b/c in reality you really don't want them to mess up the fantastic volley you have going.

You still lose. Your 8 year old daughter and 7 year old son can still kick your ass in the above mentioned.

That's allright b/c you can kick your 3 year old child's butt in tennis. That makes him cry though. Which takes the fun out of any kind of win.

You lose either way. But you are a better mom for it. Anyhow you can kick your husband's butt in wii games anyday. He doesn't cry or pout.


Friday, January 18, 2008


We got 1+" of snow.

The kids went crazy.

The back roads were a mess.

Swim team was cancelled.

I did not swim or run at the Y.

I ate a bag of chex mix instead.

Till tomorrow.

Thursday, January 17, 2008


The kids and I are waiting for the dentist.

An old man comes, checks in and sits down.

Looks at me and says..."do you know dentists make more than doctors?"

Does this man read my blog? Did he drive here in a Buick? I was about to blurt out "buicks are such reliable cars!" Instead I agreed with him. He seemed pretty pissed that dentists make more than doctors. Didn't want to upset him in-case I had drive behind him on the way home.

Tommy had 5 cavities. On the sides of his teeth. So he is the King of Dental Floss. He must of flossed 10 times last night. This morning he comes down flossing again. He better keep flossing. I'm not about to tell him that in the next month a big ass needle (that scares me....and I've had amniocentis done) is going to be stuck in his gum line.

Tonight I have treadmill sprints and lap swimming. 25 min for each. I'm going back on the machines on non-swimming nights. I used them during half marathon training and I have noticed a considerable decline in my running ability since I have stopped using them. Ability might not be the right word I am looking for. I'm just not as strong as I was then.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Dentists. We have an outstanding $200+ dental bill. Last year we had to withdraw funds (401k) to pay my husbands dental bills. To the tune of $6,000. That's the same amount as a c-section and hospital stay. WTF?

My boss. Quit hovering over me. I was discussing a work matter with a co-worker. He comes over and stands there at my back watching us research it. Yes it's your company, you have a right to know but give me some room, and you have bad breath.

My husband. I bought a king size bed for one reason only. STAY on your side! I love you lots, but I want to sleep in "my space" You draped all over me is pissing me off. We have one of those posterpedic mattress. You right on top of me doesn't help the mattress do it's job. Leave me alone. This has ended up to be a $2,000 failure.

People in Buicks. Is there a law you have to be 80 and drive slow?

I'm sick of Hillary and Obama. Sick to death of them. So sick of them I might have to vote for the other party. (might...it's a ways off)

Britney Sp3ars. Will someone please commit this girl to a mental institution. Please, I beg of you.

New Years Resolution people. You can't even park at the gym anymore. I expect you to quit at the end of February. And those of you who walk around the gym with your make-up on, in your new cute workout clothes. You are fooling no one.

Oh I could go on and on.

My legs still hurt. As do my sides. I have to walk down the stairs backwards. Even the dog thinks I'm strange.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


I didn't sweat.

I realized I have absolutely no stomach muscles whatsoever.

I realized (at the time) that I have strong kick-ass legs.

I decided that this was a class I would do every Monday.

8 hours after class I went back and kicked it up in sweat on the ARC trainer. Then I did a few hamstring stuff on the Nautilus machine.

This morning I had to crawl down the stairs.

So much for the kick-ass strong legs.

My stomach hurts too.

Feels good.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

always learning

Well this I already knew.

Car Conversations:

"those people are idiots for having a Christmas snowman up in January"

" sewing is hard, but Grandmothers are good at it"

"are the Andes mountains tall?"

"people live in Hawaii?! It's a volcano, are they are crazy?!"

"did you know that hurricanes are formed over the ocean?"

Just interesting talk with T in the car. I'm proud of him on the first comment. Though I would prefer a noun other than idiots. Yes people should take the Christmas lights/decorations down by mid-january. (or after the Epiphany)

I'm officially a gym rat. I use rat b/c I don't think bunnies sweat. Did sprints on the treadmill. Pace of 7.30 to 8.30 mph on the sprints. Incline of 4.5 and 15 min mph pace on the downtime. I thought I was going to hurl at one point. I can't figure out how to get the sprints down from 2 min to 45 seconds. It's a killer.

I will be at the gym Mon - Thurs now. Yep. Getting my monies worth. Tommy pretty much rocked the swimming too. He wants to continue also. (that's my boy) I'm psyched b/c I really don't feeling like getting into Karate and/or soccer. Now in the summer I can have all the kids in one sport. Karate would break the my bank account anyhow. It's pretty much cracked right now.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008


Life is chugging along. I went to gym and worked out Monday night on the ARC for 29 minutes. (don't ask) It was super crowded with all the newbies. It didn't bug me, b/c once I'm in cardio mode I have no idea what is going on around me.

I'm going to start Pilates next week. I need some core, strength training. Hope it lives up to it's hype.

I will have 3 kids in some sort of swimming program by the end of the week. Julia is on swim team, Tommy is joining the mini swim team and David is in swim lessons again. David told me (in a way only a three yr old can) that he hates his swim teacher. I hate it that there a six 3 year olds in a class. Last session it was three kids. I'm all about getting my money's worth.

The temper tantrums are getting very, very, very, very bad. The past two YMCA nights I've had to physically carry David from the center to the car. On Monday he cried from the time we left the Y until we got home. Did I say cry? I mean screamed. Why? Because he didn't want to get in the back-back of the SUV. Tommy got in instead and well David was having no of it. He was furious b/c he was in the middle row. We (family) are at wits end. My husband will have none of it. I can ignore it. His siblings yell at him to "shut up!" and/or smack him. Listen...this is my third kid and I'm at wits end. I've done the time-out room thing. It hasn't changed the behavior. I'm thinking the magic will happen on his 4th birthday. He will turn into angel child. Let me dream.

This is why I don't get out for pavement runs much anymore. My father watches him while I work and when I get home I see his stress level is at it's max. Maybe 30 minutes isn't much of a run, but 30 min during a temper tantrum well that's too long.

One final bitch. When you buy a new printer wtf don't they include the printer cable in there? HUH? How much does that thing cost. Seriously? I'll be lucky if I get to the office store in the next 3 months. Poo.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

25 degrees

feels like 13 degrees with wind chill. Sounds like the perfect running day to me.

Over 3 miles at 9:15 pace. Felt like I was running a 10 min pace though. At times my foot was dragging. What is that about?

I will say that my back pain is gone. What is that about? Do you get back pain when you don't run? It seems I do.

Well the bus is here. There is homework, dinner and wash to be done.

Then a night of college football to watch. I'm obsessed with it.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Ok New Years eve was a total bore.

My friend got a margarita machine. Stopped by her house and had the most fantastic drink ever. (i decided to stick with the clearer liquors that night....like you would ever see me near bourbon or whiskey) Anyhow got a great buzz then I.......

went to my BIL restaurant. Wine. I'm sick of red wine. White wine, eh. I became the designated driver. I think my father was drunk too. Yep my 75 year old dad was all "wined up"

Finally saw my BIL wine cellar. Let's see. Over 1,000 bottles of wine. Pulled out some 1960 wines. Saw 5 bottles of wine that were $273.75 each.

Have I mentioned how sick I am of wine. And beer for that matter.

I got adjusted yesterday. He cracked my back (awesome) He did my neck too, and today it hurts like crazy today. No more adjustments in 2008.

I'm going running sometime this week, if it kills me. And by running I mean outside. No ARC, no treadmill, no elliptical. NO EXCUSES. I'm doing a yoga or pilates class too. Swimming. Yep back to swimming. I'm looking at some winter races also. If I don't have races set-up I don't run. Anyhow I need some new t-shirts.

  • TRY there was another crime scene in our home. I tried to take a picture, but it didn't work out. I found one of David's Marine men's head and part of a leg in Brandy's mouth. The torso and gun are gone to the intestinal track. Marine men take a lot of chewing to destroy.